Thanks Gordon (as usually)


On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Gordon Sim <> wrote:

> On 11/04/2013 06:10 PM, Gordon Sim wrote:
>> On 11/04/2013 05:58 PM, Jakub Scholz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> While playing with the latest trunk release of the C++ broker, I noticed
>>> that none of the QMF based tools (qpid-config, qpid-tool, qpid-stat)
>>> displays the username under which the AMQP 0.10 connection has been
>>> authenticated. This seems to apply to both PLAIN and EXTERNAL
>>> authentication.
>>> Object of type:
>>> 330d-7817-af91-bd463dd37e08)
>>>      Attribute          133
>>> ============================================================
>>> ============================================================
>>> ============================================================
>>> ==================
>>>      vhostRef           165
>>>      address            qpid.
>>>      incoming           True
>>>      SystemConnection   False
>>>      userProxyAuth      False
>>>      federationLink     False
>>>      authIdentity
>>>      remoteProcessName  qpid-tool
>>>      remotePid          5148
>>>      remoteParentPid    5133
>>>      shadow             False
>>>      saslMechanism      PLAIN
>>>      saslSsf            0
>>>      remoteProperties   {u'product': u'qpid python client',
>>> u'qpid.client_ppid': 5133, u'qpid.client_process': u'qpid-tool',
>>> u'platform': u'posix', u'qpid.client_pid': 5148, u'version':
>>> u'development'}
>>>      protocol           AMQP 0-10
>>>      closing            False
>>>      framesFromClient   2755
>>>      framesToClient     7749
>>>      bytesFromClient    83850
>>>      bytesToClient      3161804
>>>      msgsFromClient     56
>>>      msgsToClient       2551
>>> For AMQP 1.0, everything seems to be fine.
>>> Can someone confirm this problem? If yes, I can raise a JIRA for it.
>> Yes, that seems to be a regression that somehow crept in from 0.22
>> onwards.
> Looks like it was inadvertently removed along with the raising of
> connection events:
> view=revision&revision=1424125.
> I've raised a JIRA:
> Thanks for spotting this Jakub!
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