There's actually an open JIRA for removing the bouncycastle dependency
entirely, or at least making it optional.


On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Fraser Adams

> Hey all,
> A couple of weeks ago when I first started playing with proton I got an
> issue in the early stages of running cmake.
> Locations of Bouncycastle 1.47 jars: BOUNCYCASTLE_BCPROV_JAR-NOTFOUND
> This was a little harder than you'd think to sort out 'cause bouncycastle
> is now at version 1.49 and there's no obvious link off their webpage (the
> ftp link that allegedly points to past releases appears to be broken).
> Is it worth updating the dependency to the latest bouncycastle - or
> alternatively bundling the jars with proton?
> I dug around on t'Interweb and /eventually/ found the 1.47 jars, but as I
> say it was harder than it should be :-) here are the links I came across:
> bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.47
> bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk15on/1.47
> The official site't 
> *seem* to have links to older versions as far as I can see.
> Once I got it working for myself I mentally parked it, but a colleague
> asked me about it this morning which prompted me to post this, is it worth
> updating to the latest version (or at least putting the above links in the
> comments). It wouldn't normally be an issue except that the required
> version seems to live in a slightly non-obvious place.
> Frase

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