Steve accidentally sent this directly to me:

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Steve Hamblett <>
Subject: Re: Bindings for Google's Dart language.
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 07:36:05 +0000

Hi Andrew,

No specific project although I'm targeting this at RHEL 7, for Dart to
succeed on the server it will need to do a little bit more than just
serve web pages, hopefully the Dart community will find usages for this
and other server side packages as we progress. I'm sort of a comms guy,
so interfacing to AMQP looked like a good place to start.
Yes, I noticed the client API was deprecated a bit too late, so I
decided to finish up what I was doing so at
least there was something usable out there. Presumably I can do the fix
up when your 0.26 release hits the main distros.

No problem with the submission, it would be nice to see Dart up along
the other languages on your Qpid site. The licensing is not a problem,
GPL3 is my current default licence for github, no other reason. Do you
want to do this 
now or wait for the fix up?


On 4 February 2014 16:50, Andrew Stitcher <> wrote:
On Tue, 2014-02-04 at 14:11 +0000, Steve Hamblett wrote:
        > Can be found here <>
for the
        > interested
        This looks very cool. It's always fun to see amqp supporting new
        languages and projects. Is it in support of any specific project
        like to share?
        The major comment I have is that it appears that you have built
this API
        on top of the old and now unsupported qpid::client API  - this
will be a
        problem from now on as we do not ship this as an external API
any more
        (from 0.26 our upcoming release).
        The APIs to use is the qpid::messaging/qpid::types API. It looks
        you haven't done anything too dependent on the old API though so
I don't
        think this should be to hard to fix.
        Are you interested in submitting it to the Qpid project?
Obviously that
        would be up to you. However if you want to, I believe you would
need to
        relicense the code to an Apache license.

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Steve Hamblett

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