On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Gordon Sim <g...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 02/05/2014 03:51 PM, Alan Conway wrote:
>> I never noticed "developer central" before - very handy set of
>> shortcuts!
> Indeed! I would think this was useful to users and developers alike. Could
> we make it more prominent somehow?

It's somewhat more prominent on the existing site (before this update
lands).  That doesn't seem to have been enough to get it noticed.

If we want to broaden the audience of this "useful things, all in one
place", I think it should have a new name, and that might point the
way to figuring out how we promote it. "Develop*ment* Center" would be
a little better.  "Mission control" is the right idea, but it's used a

Once it has a theme and its scope is resolved, I can use a graphic to
draw more attention to it.

Side note on audience: The vast majority of the Qpid site is,
naturally enough, geared toward users.  It prioritizes the information
and resources you need to (a) evaluate Qpid and (b) use Qpid to build
your own applications.  This necessarily meant that developer
priorities got pushed down a little.  I created the developer center
to set aside a place to focus on what Qpid developers need most.  I
personally keep it bookmarked so I can quickly jump to jiras and link
to posts in the archives, etc.


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