Thanks for the response. The real problem is that the behavior of a
Receiver is different depending on the multiplicity of the binding
used. If you use a single queue with a single binding then
messages will
get delivered to the required receiver. If you use multiple
Receivers bound
to the same queue, the Receiver called by the messaging API, when
delivering a message to your application, may not be the one that you
So if I create three Receivers in the same application, with the
following bindings (note unique queue names)
Rxer 1 - "queue1; {create: receiver, node:
{x-declare:{auto-delete:true}, x-bindings: [{exchange:
'amq.topic', queue:
'queue1', key: 'bill'}]}}"
Rxer 2 - "queue2; {create: receiver, node:
{x-declare:{auto-delete:true}, x-bindings: [{exchange:
'amq.topic', queue:
'queue1', key: 'ben'}]}}"
Rxer 3 - "queue3; {create: receiver, node:
{x-declare:{auto-delete:true}, x-bindings: [{exchange:
'amq.topic', queue:
'queue1', key: 'tim'}]}}"
And then send a message on the amq.topic exchange with a subject of
'tim'. Then Rxer3 will get returned by the 'nextReceiver' method
on the
associated Session object.
But if I change the bindings so they related to the same queue
Rxer 1 - "queue1; {create: receiver, node:
{x-declare:{auto-delete:true}, x-bindings: [{exchange:
'amq.topic', queue:
'queue1', key: 'bill'}]}}"
Rxer 2 - "queue1; {create: receiver, node:
{x-declare:{auto-delete:true}, x-bindings: [{exchange:
'amq.topic', queue:
'queue1', key: 'ben'}]}}"
Rxer 3 - "queue1; {create: receiver, node:
{x-declare:{auto-delete:true}, x-bindings: [{exchange:
'amq.topic', queue:
'queue1', key: 'tim'}]}}"
And send the same message again, Which Receiver would you expect
to get
returned from the sessions nextReceiver method?
I would expect the same result as in the first example, Rxer 3.
But this
does not happen, anyone of the three receivers might get called.
This doesn't seem right to me and as a result you have to produce
a bit of application level logic to handle this scenario;
especially when
your bindings are being passed down to you dynamically by several
Hope this explains it a bit better than my last attempt.
On 07/02/2014 10:03, Fraser Adams wrote:
On 06/02/14 19:07, CLIVE wrote:
The first use case requires the dynamic creation of Receivers, but
before creating a new receiver, I would like to know if I
already have a
receiver that would match the required binding. This is not
possible at the
moment because the binding matching algorithms are hidden from
public view;
they are buried deep inside the Brokers Exchange Implementation
You know that you can get the binding information from QMF don't you
Clive? I guess I'm missing what you're looking for if it's something
different than that. And I guess to be fair to get the
information via QMF
you'd need a bit of code, but I'd have thought that this would be
the most
appropriate way to get the information.
Out of curiosity why do you need to know if you already have a
that would match the binding?
One thing that's worth mentioning, I'm suspecting that (like me)
mainly been using AMQP 0.10 - If I'm reading you correctly you
sound like
you are dynamically creating queue nodes and passing x-bindings.
I've been doing that for a few years, but a few weeks back I started
looking at AMQP 1.0 and that primarily takes a perspective of
the topic like exchanges and the queues end up being subscription
and all of the stuff that relates to binding and the like ends up
in the
link (not node) config.
For me at any rate that was quite a different perspective on
things (I
wrote up what I was up to in the "A write up of some AMQP 1.0
post) previously I've been focussing on the queues, so I was
creating queue nodes and passing x-bindings in AMQP 0.10, but in
AMQP 1.0
I've been addressing the exchanges (topic type nodes) and using
the link to
specify what I need. For me it took a bit of getting used to
because I was
so ingrained doing it the other way, but I think I'm getting it now.
The second use case in question requires a client application to
dynamically create multiple receivers for the same queue, but
with slightly
different binding keys bound to an exchange. When a message from an
exchange gets put in the queue and delivered to the client (via
a receiver)
I'm not sure if I'm correctly interpreting what you are saying
here, so
you want a client that has a single queue, but each receiver adds
binding keys right? You do know that this will result in what
amounts to an
OR condition - both keys will be bound and a message will be put
on the
queue if either match so consumer A of the queue would receive
messages due
to consumer B's key - is that what you mean.
The following AMQP 1.0 consumers will do what you seem to be saying,
there's a single shared subscription queue called queue1, the first
consumer binds *.news the second *.weather
./drain --connection-options {protocol:amqp1.0} -b localhost -f \
"amq.topic/*.news; {node: {capabilities: [shared]}, link: {name:
./drain --connection-options {protocol:amqp1.0} -b localhost -f \
"amq.topic/*.weather; {node: {capabilities: [shared]}, link: {name:
qpid-config -r queues gives
Queue 'queue1'
bind [queue1] => ''
bind [*.news] => amq.topic
bind [*.weather] => amq.topic
For AMQP 0.10 the following would create a similar effect (not
sure if
you want auto delete or not, if not remove the x-declare below
and for the
AMQP 1.0 example above add reliability: at-least-once to the link
./drain -b localhost -f \
"queue1; {create: receiver, node: {x-declare:{auto-delete:True},
x-bindings: [{exchange: 'amq.topic', queue: 'queue1', key:
./drain -b localhost -f \
"queue1; {create: receiver, node: {x-declare:{auto-delete:True},
x-bindings: [{exchange: 'amq.topic', queue: 'queue1', key:
The following also works for AMQP 0.10
./drain -b localhost -f \
"queue1; {create: receiver, node: {x-declare:{auto-delete:True}},
link: {x-bindings: [{exchange: 'amq.topic', queue: 'queue1', key:
./drain -b localhost -f \
"queue1; {create: receiver, node: {x-declare:{auto-delete:True}},
link: {x-bindings: [{exchange: 'amq.topic', queue: 'queue1', key:
Don't know if this is what you are looking for.
Note that in none of the cases above have I worked out how to
remove a
binding other than by removing the queue so if you add the first
then the
second then delete the second both bindings remain in place - I
did wonder
about putting the x-declare/auto delete stuff on the link in the
AMQP 0.10 example, but that doesn't seem to remove the binding,
so I'm not
sure if that's possible.
I need to route the message to the correct application level
destination(s). To do this I need to undertake a matching
operation between
the routing key of the message and the binding key(s) of the
receivers; qpid does not deliver the message to the receiver
with the most
exact binding key match.
I guess than I'm not understanding you here. As far as I'm aware if
you've got multiple bindings between an exchange and a queue then
message will be delivered on to the queue if either binding
matches, so it
behaves like a logical OR. In your scenario if the first receiver
*.news then the second adds *.weather then from that point on
they will
*both* start to receive (*.news OR *.weather)
So basically the receivers, and their bindings, enable the
messages to get delivered to the required client, but I then
need to
undertake application level routing to route the message to one
or more
application level classes, based on message routing key/
receiver binding
key matches.
So I'm still totally baffled why you want to send them to the same
queue if you are then demultiplexing at the application level.
Surely (for
example) you'd be better having a news queue for the *.news
messages and a
weather queue for the *.weather messages. If you force them down
the same
queue then you are going to have to do application level
which it sounds like you don't want to do, but why use a single
What's actually driving the single queue requirement? That sounds
the root of your problems, without knowing the nuance of your
scenario it
feels like your approaching the problem from the wrong angle and
the middleware rather than letting it work for you. I'm sure I've
something subtle in your use case.
Unfortunately in both cases the messaging API does not provide
visibility of the bind matching algorithms and so I have to
create several
utility classes to support this functionality.
Would it be possible to create a Binding.h class in the
messaging API
to support matching of bindings from all the supported exchange
I'm not actually sure what you are asking for here. Are you
asking for
a client side filtering API?
As I say I'm having trouble getting under the skin of your use
case. If
I'm reading it correctly it sounds like you are wanting to have a
queue but have multiple bindings between an exchange and that
queue, which
will result in messages for both bindings making their way on to
the queue
and then, to get around that, to apply a client side filter to
deliver the
right message to the right receiver - is that correct?
I'm afraid that I'm still not clear why you want to do that on the
client rather than on the broker??
Other's might have a better view, but I'm not sure that client side
filtering fits into the qpid::messaging API per se (and binding
wouldn't be a good idea anyway as it's a legacy AMQP 0.10 concept).
One thought moving forward (and I'm far from an expert) might be to
think in terms of AMQP 1.0, so the Qpid Broker may be viewed as
an AMQP 1.0 container and it has a whole bunch of capabilities,
the ability to filter (the traditional bindings plus - really cool -
message selectors). The qpid::messaging API is about interacting
with nodes
on a container and attaching links with specified properties.
As it happens though an AMQP 1.0 client application can also be
of as a container, so an interesting thought might be a client
containing its own addressable node. In this scenario you'd
establish all
the stuff previously discussed with the broker and the consumer
would have all messages delivered to the node on the client, you
could then
(in theory 'cause none of this exists) create AMQP links (on the
client) to
the node (on the client) passing filter properties on attachment
(such as a
As I say none of this exists at the moment (except on the broker)
it might be interesting to consider if it would be possible to
things such that some of these fairly general purpose AMQP 1.0
could be extracted from the broker and made available as a
toolkit for
creating general purpose AMQP 1.0 containers.
As I say I'm no expert and tentatively finding my feet with AMQP
Gordon Sim would be far better placed than I to say whether that
a) makes
sense from an AMQP 1.0 perspective b) how feasible it is and c)
how likely
it is to happen :-)
Hope I've managed to be at least some help Clive,
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