On 14 August 2014 03:28, erikb <erik.beu...@redcrater.co.nz> wrote: > > > Anyway... I've installed all the prerequisites mentioned in the > Install-Windows document under the "What to install section". When I (try > to) configure cmake, I get the following error: > "CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:90 (message): > Can't locate ruby, needed to generate amqp 0-10 framing code." > I do have ruby installed. In fact I went to a lot of trouble to find a > windows installed for V1.9.3, as the document mentioned it needed to be > pre-version 2. >
I can offer a non-authoritative hint here since this is a standard Windows development problem rather than a qpid-specific problem: you've installed something (ruby) but there's no mechanism for your build process to find it. I'd suggest you either 1. add your ruby bin directory to your system path; this can be a pain on windows - don't forget to ensure that whatever process is looking for ruby (cmake) is started from an environment that has picked up the changes; if in doubt reboot :p. By "ruby bin" I mean the directory in your ruby installation that contains ruby.exe. or 2. After running cmake's configure stage (if you're using the gui), you'll find a variable called RUBY_EXECUTABLE which can be set to the full path to ruby.exe. If you can't find the setting, make sure you're viewing "advanced" variables. The same setting can be set on the command line with "-DRUBY_EXECUTABLE=<full path to ruby.exe>" I don't have a windows box to test this on but I hope this sends you in the right direction. Good luck! /Chris -- *Chris Richardson*, System Architect c...@fourc.eu *FourC AS, Vestre Rosten 81, Trekanten, NO-7075 Tiller, Norwaywww.fourc.eu <http://www.fourc.eu/>* *Follow us on LinkedIn <http://bit.ly/fourcli>, Facebook <http://bit.ly/fourcfb>, Google+ <http://bit.ly/fourcgp> and Twitter <http://bit.ly/fourctw>!*