Hi, It seems that the combination of SSL and AMQP 1.0 does not work in 0.30 beta (connection fails). The issue looks exactly the same as https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-5648, which was reported fixed in trunk and 0.28.
I'm running a 0.30 beta broker with ssl enabled. Without any QPID_SSL settings present in my environment, I can successfully send a message like this: QPID_SSL_CERT_DB=/var/lib/qpidd/ssl/client-db spout -b localhost:5671 --content "hello" --connection-options "{transport:ssl}" amq.topic Notes - /var/lib/qpidd/ssl/client-db holds an NSS database with the CA cert for the broker. This example uses the default AMQP 0.10. When I add the extra protocol option to use AMQP 1.0: QPID_SSL_CERT_DB=/var/lib/qpidd/ssl/client-db spout -b localhost:5671 --content "hello" --connection-options "{protocol:amqp1.0, transport:ssl}" amq.topic I get the error "Connect failed to amqp:ssl:localhost:5671: Reconnect disabled". If I run this in a debugger I can get some more info on the error (reported in the callback at qpid::messaging::amqp::SslTransport::failed()) which is "NSS error [-12268]". According to the NSS documentation this is " SSL_ERROR_SSL_DISABLED". I've done some experimentation and if I call NSS_InitContext() referencing my NSS db before opening the AMQP connection, the SSL handshake (with AMQP1.0) is successful. My first guess would be that there is some difference in the way qpid::messaging:amqp::ConnectoinHandle (used for AMQP1.0 connections) and qpid::client::amqp0_10::ConnectionImpl (used for AMQP0.10 connections) initialise the NSS subsystem. Hopefully that and not an error on my part... Could you please look into this further? Many thanks -- *Chris Richardson*, System Architect c...@fourc.eu *FourC AS, Vestre Rosten 81, Trekanten, NO-7075 Tiller, Norwaywww.fourc.eu <http://www.fourc.eu/>* *Follow us on LinkedIn <http://bit.ly/fourcli>, Facebook <http://bit.ly/fourcfb>, Google+ <http://bit.ly/fourcgp> and Twitter <http://bit.ly/fourctw>!*