
I want to port some c++ messaging code from qpid cpp messanger to proton.
How one is supposed to perform data serialization/deserialization here?
In cpp messenger I used encode/decode functionality and then copied the
actual data between map and user object. What should I use in proton?
As far as I could discover from proton C API reference I need to use
pn_data_t to get the data from pn_message_t, but regrettably reference
just lists all pn_data_t handling functions without even summarizing
their meaning :-/ Is there a description on the subject or examples
that I can use as a starting point?

Best regards,
 \   / |                                   |
 (OvO) |  Mikhail Iwanow                   |
 (^^^) |      Voice:   +7 (911) 223-1300   |
  \^/  |      E-mail:   |
  ^ ^  |                                   |

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