On 02/18/2015 11:03 AM, Michael Ivanov wrote:
Ok I have run my test program with PN_TRACE_FRM set to 1. The program sends a 
to qpidd to create a queue TESTQUEUE. As can be seen the queue is actually 
created but
temporary reply queue has dissappeared right after send operation.

The output is as follows:

18-Feb-2015 13:53:45.973 @D ######################## EVENTLOOP RUN 
[0x177f450]:  -> SASL
[0x177f450]:0 -> @sasl-init(65) [mechanism=:ANONYMOUS, initial-response=b""]
[0x177f450]:  <- SASL
[0x177f450]:0 <- @sasl-mechanisms(64) 
[sasl-server-mechanisms=@PN_SYMBOL[:ANONYMOUS, :PLAIN]]
[0x177f450]:0 <- @sasl-outcome(68) [code=0]
[0x177f450]:  <- AMQP
[0x177f450]:  -> AMQP
[0x177f450]:0 -> @open(16) [container-id="2a4b9ebb-a82c-4f01-9ede-a0259d1f134b", 
[0x177f450]:0 -> @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, 
[0x177f450]:0 -> @attach(18) [name="receiver-xxx", handle=0, role=true, 
snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40)
[durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=true], target=@target(41) [durable=0, timeout=0, 
dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0]
[0x177f450]:0 <- @open(16) [container-id="9d6de7ab-a0ac-43fb-aee4-e43ec4701ef5"]
[0x177f450]:0 <- @begin(17) [remote-channel=0, next-outgoing-id=0, 
incoming-window=2147483647, outgoing-window=0]
[0x177f450]:0 <- @attach(18) [name="receiver-xxx", handle=0, role=false, 
snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0,
[address="2a4b9ebb-a82c-4f01-9ede-a0259d1f134b_receiver-xxx", durable=0, 
timeout=0, dynamic=false],
target=@target(41) [durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], 

18-Feb-2015 13:54:07.826 @D SUBSCRIPTION ADDRESS: 
   queue                                              dur  autoDel  excl  msg   
msgIn  msgOut  bytes  bytesIn  bytesOut  cons  bind
   2a4b9ebb-a82c-4f01-9ede-a0259d1f134b_receiver-xxx       Y                 0  
   0      0       0      0        0         1     1
   773cc3a0-4c56-456c-9fb2-4b1b7fafa319:0.0                Y        Y        0  
   0      0       0      0        0         1     2

18-Feb-2015 13:54:07.885 @D SUBSCRIBED TO: 
   queue                                              dur  autoDel  excl  msg   
msgIn  msgOut  bytes  bytesIn  bytesOut  cons  bind
   06d21658-efe5-4eca-8044-2bacf54ec5b5:0.0                Y        Y        0  
   0      0       0      0        0         1     2
   2a4b9ebb-a82c-4f01-9ede-a0259d1f134b_receiver-xxx       Y                 0  
   0      0       0      0        0         1     1

18-Feb-2015 13:54:07.940 @D SEND message to 
[amqp://], reply to
18-Feb-2015 13:54:07.940 @D   PROPERTIES: {"method"="request", "qmf.opcode"="_method_request", 
18-Feb-2015 13:54:07.940 @D   DATA:       
"_method_name"="create", "_arguments"={"type"="queue", "name"="TESTQUEUE", 
"properties"={"durable"=true}, "strict"=true}}
[0x177f450]:1 -> @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, 
[0x177f450]:1 -> @attach(18) [name="sender-xxx", handle=0, role=false, 
snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40)
[address="qmf.default.direct", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], target=@target(41) 
durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0]
[0x177f450]:1 <- @begin(17) [remote-channel=1, next-outgoing-id=0, 
incoming-window=2147483647, outgoing-window=0]
[0x177f450]:1 <- @attach(18) [name="sender-xxx", handle=0, role=true, 
snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40)
[durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], target=@target(41) 
[address="qmf.default.direct", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false],
[0x177f450]:1 <- @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, 
next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=0, handle=0,
delivery-count=0, link-credit=100, drain=false]
[0x177f450]:1 -> @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=0, 
delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", message-format=0,
settled=true, more=false] (472)

The problem is that the reply-to is set to be the full url. It need to only be the 'path' portion of that. (You could use proton/url.h to separate out the path)

The broker is trying to reply to the address given, but failing to do so and closing the connection as a result. Which means the associated temp queue goes away also.

18-Feb-2015 13:54:07.940 @D REQUEST SENT
   queue                                     dur  autoDel  excl  msg   msgIn  
msgOut  bytes  bytesIn  bytesOut  cons  bind
   302effc8-e870-46db-a37c-13dfd4b8d108:0.0       Y        Y        0     0     
 0       0      0        0         1     2
   TESTQUEUE                                 Y                      0     0     
 0       0      0        0         0     1

[0x177f450]:0 -> @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, 
next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=0, handle=0,
delivery-count=0, link-credit=1, drain=false]
[0x177f450]:0 <- @close(24) [error=@error(29) [condition=:"amqp:internal-error", 
description="not-found: Exchange not found:
[0x177f450]:  <- EOS
CONNECTION ERROR (amqp:internal-error) not-found: Exchange not found: amqp:
[0x177f450]:0 -> @close(24) []
[0x177f450]:  -> EOS
[0x177f450]:  -> EOS
[0x177f450]:  -> EOS
18-Feb-2015 13:54:07.995 @E Error reading messages: no valid sources

Best regards,

18.02.2015 12:37, Gordon Sim пишет:
On 02/18/2015 08:11 AM, Michael Ivanov wrote:
Sorry I still cannot get the reply working :-(

I do the following:

     _sender messenger is created.
     I create a subscription to "amqp://" for this messenger and
     keep the reply address queue:

         s = pn_messenger_subscribe(_sender, "amqp://"));
        _reply_addr = pn_subscription_address(s);

     At this moment I check the qpidd state with qpid-stat -q and verify
     that temporary queue is created.

     At some later tome I prepare the message and set a reply address to is
     as follows:

        pn_message_set_reply_to(message, _reply_addr);

     I verify again with qpid-stat -q, reply queue is still there.

     Now I assign the target address to message and send it:

        pn_messenger_set_timeout(_sender, timeout);
        pn_messenger_put(_sender, msg);
        pn_messenger_send(_sender, -1);

     Immediately before pn_messenger_set_timeout I print the value of
     pn_message_get_reply_to() and it is correct.

     After messenger send I check again with qpid-stat -q and I see that
     the reply queue is gone! Btw, the message is received and executed
     by broker correctly (the actual message is queue create request
     directed to qmf.default.direct, the queue is created properly).

     When I run pn_messenger_recv(_sender, 1) I get an error:

        CONNECTION ERROR (amqp:internal-error) not-found: Exchange not found: \
        18-Feb-2015 10:49:45.677 @E Error reading messages: no valid sources

That is an error coming back from the broker and is caused by having 
amqp:// prefixed to the address, which the broker
doesn't recognise.

Can you set the env var PN_TRACE_FRM=1 before running to capture the protocol 
trace? That would help see where exactly the
address is being used in this form over the wire. It may be that the reply-to 
address needs to have the prefix trimmed off first.

     I guess this is because the reply queue has somehow dissappeared.

What's wrong here?

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