Any other thoughts out there? We seem to have a mix of responses so
far, but mostly lots of silence ;)


On 10 March 2015 at 10:05, Robbie Gemmell <> wrote:
> On 9 March 2015 at 16:24, Robbie Gemmell <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As you probably know, we migrated the Proton and new JMS client code
>> to Git repositories last year. As part of the process the old
>> locations within the Subversion repo were frozen read-only and left in
>> place.
>> Some folks have been caught out by using the old stale locations, as
>> although we have updated our website with the new locations (and all
>> the commits@ traffic mentions the new locations) it isnt particularly
>> clear from the old contents themselves that they are no longer in use
>> (other than by realising the last commits were a while ago).
>> I noticed some documentation which indicated as Chair I should be able
>> to modify the access rights to the old locations, allowing us to edit
>> them and make things clearer. I checked with infra and that is indeed
>> the case, although they are also happy to do it for us depending on
>> the change (e.g move contents to an attic dir, add pointer file).
>> I wonder what people think we should do:
>> 1. Add pointer files indicating the contents are no longer used and
>> directing to the Git repos.
>> 2. Delete the trunk dirs, add pointer files to the Git repos.
>> 3. Move the contents to an attic area, add pointer files to the Git
>> repos in old locations.
>> 4. Delete the contents entirely, dont add pointers.
>> (The 'deleted' files will obviously remain in Subversion history)
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> Robbie
> I should have really added that we dont necessarily have to do the
> same thing for both areas of code, i.e the new JMS client and Proton.
> The former had the distinction of having no branches or tags, never
> having been released, not being particularly usable in the form it was
> in at the time, and being quite different from what is there these
> days. For me, Option 3 or 4 make most sense for that old code, I dont
> expect anyone is looking in there except people randomly broswing the
> whole Qpid repo. For the Proton code, I'd probably go for options
> 1,3,2,4 in that order.

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