On 10 June 2015 at 17:53, Mansour Al Akeel <mansour.alak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thank you a lot for your help. I highly appreciate it.
> I am using Qpid broker 0.32
>> reactive API bindings). What client API you should use depends on your
>> use case and what you actually need/want to do.
> Let's stay with Qpid JMS. Since I don't want an embedded broker. All I
> need is a client to connect to any AMQP
> broker.


(just to clarify though: using Proton, as the new JMS client itself
does, does not mean using an embedded broker).

>> AMQP 0-x JMS client if you want to use JMS without AMQP 1.0). RabbitMQ
>> uses AMQP 0-9-1, and has an AMQP 1.0 plugin. AMQP 1.0 is enabled by
>> default on the Qpid Java broker and can be enabled for the Qpid C++
>> broker by loading the amqp.so module. Which Qpid broker are you
>> actually using?
> I am using Qpid 0.32 the java broker.


> In fact, I have the amqp 1.0 enabled for RabbitMQ.
> $$ rabbitmq-plugins list
> [E] amqp_client                       3.2.4
> [ ] cowboy                            0.5.0-rmq3.2.4-git4b93c2d
> [ ] eldap                             3.2.4-gite309de4
> [e] mochiweb                          2.7.0-rmq3.2.4-git680dba8
> [E] rabbitmq_amqp1_0                  3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap        3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl       3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange 3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_federation               3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_federation_management    3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_jsonrpc                  3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_jsonrpc_channel          3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_jsonrpc_channel_examples 3.2.4
> [e] rabbitmq_management               3.2.4
> [e] rabbitmq_management_agent         3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_management_visualiser    3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_mqtt                     3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_shovel                   3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_shovel_management        3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_stomp                    3.2.4
> [E] rabbitmq_tracing                  3.2.4
> [e] rabbitmq_web_dispatch             3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_web_stomp                3.2.4
> [ ] rabbitmq_web_stomp_examples       3.2.4
> [ ] rfc4627_jsonrpc                   3.2.4-git5e67120
> [ ] sockjs                            0.3.4-rmq3.2.4-git3132eb9
> [e] webmachine                        1.10.3-rmq3.2.4-gite9359c7
>> It appears you did get connected to the Qpid broker, as it looks to be
>> attempting to create a producer when the TCP connection got reset. It
>> isnt clear it got that far against RabbitMQ. It might be helpful to
>> enable the protocol trace logging, as covered at:
>> http://qpid.apache.org/releases/qpid-jms-0.2.0/docs/index.html#logging.
> I have the loggin enabled through log4j.properties , but I didn't know
> about these switches. I am going to enable them now.
>> The Python client you mention supports AMQP 0-9-1 and so wont work
>> against the Qpid C++ broker (which uses AMQP 0-10 and AMQP 1.0), but
>> might against the Qpid Java broker (which supports AMQP 0-8, 0-9,
>> 0-9-1, 0-10, and 1.0).
> OOPS. I really missed this one ! Thank you a lot !
> This was one of the source of confusion. It was working with RabbitMQ
> but not Qpid !

If you are using the Qpid Java broker (which does support AMQP 0-9-1)
it possibly should work, unless it is dependent on some of the
RabbitMQ extensions to 0-9-1.

>> The maven dependencies for the various JMS clients are listed at
>> http://qpid.apache.org/maven.html
>> Robbie
> So here's my plan. Let's get it work first with Qpid java broker from
> java, then I will worry about python and the broker later.
> What I did next:
> I added the env variable PN_TRACE_FRM=true to eclipse runner. And got
> these new lines on the client:

The below shows the broker refusing the producer creation with an
amqp:not-found error, which is because the queue didn't exist. As per
the examples README file, the Queue needs to exist on the broker
before you run the example (or you need to use a broekr that creates
destinations automatically, which the Java broker does not).

> [1257130887:0] <- Open{
> containerId='866d40c9-6be8-4456-95f1-165138b3fdc6', hostname='null',
> maxFrameSize=32768, channelMax=255, idleTimeOut=null,
> outgoingLocales=null, incomingLocales=null, offeredCapabilities=null,
> desiredCapabilities=null, properties={product=qpid, version=0.32,
> qpid.build=Unversioned directory, qpid.instance_name=Broker}}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,672 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: CONNECTION_REMOTE_OPEN
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,673 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: SESSION_LOCAL_OPEN
> [1257130887:0] -> Begin{remoteChannel=null, nextOutgoingId=1,
> incomingWindow=0, outgoingWindow=0, handleMax=65535,
> offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
> [1257130887:0] -> Flow{nextIncomingId=null, incomingWindow=2047,
> nextOutgoingId=1, outgoingWindow=0, handle=null, deliveryCount=null,
> linkCredit=null, available=null, drain=false, echo=false,
> properties=null}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,676 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - Attempted write of: 47 bytes
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,684 [ntLoopGroup-2-1] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - New data read: 28 bytes incoming:
> UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 28, cap: 65536)
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,684 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - Received from Broker 28 bytes: UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx:
> 0, widx: 28, cap: 65536)
> [1257130887:0] <- Begin{remoteChannel=0, nextOutgoingId=0,
> incomingWindow=2048, outgoingWindow=2048, handleMax=4294967295,
> offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,685 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: SESSION_REMOTE_OPEN
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,685 [localhost:5672]] - DEBUG AmqpAbstractResource
>           - AmqpSession { ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:-1 } is
> now open:
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,686 [localhost:5672]] - DEBUG AmqpConnection
>           - AmqpConnection { ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1 } is
> now open:
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,686 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - IdleTimeoutCheck being initiated, initial delay:
> 1433954825686
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,687 [localhost:5672]] - INFO  JmsConnection
>           - Connection ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1 connected
> to remote Broker: amqp://localhost:5672
> [1257130887:1] -> Begin{remoteChannel=null, nextOutgoingId=1,
> incomingWindow=0, outgoingWindow=0, handleMax=65535,
> offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
> [1257130887:1] -> Flow{nextIncomingId=null, incomingWindow=2047,
> nextOutgoingId=1, outgoingWindow=0, handle=null, deliveryCount=null,
> linkCredit=null, available=null, drain=false, echo=false,
> properties=null}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,717 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - Attempted write of: 47 bytes
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,721 [ntLoopGroup-2-1] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - New data read: 28 bytes incoming:
> UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 28, cap: 65536)
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,721 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - Received from Broker 28 bytes: UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx:
> 0, widx: 28, cap: 65536)
> [1257130887:1] <- Begin{remoteChannel=1, nextOutgoingId=0,
> incomingWindow=2048, outgoingWindow=2048, handleMax=4294967295,
> offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,722 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: SESSION_INIT
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,722 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: SESSION_LOCAL_OPEN
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,722 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: SESSION_REMOTE_OPEN
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,722 [localhost:5672]] - DEBUG AmqpAbstractResource
>           - AmqpSession { ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1 } is
> now open:
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,542 [localhost:5672]] - DEBUG AmqpSession
>           - Creating AmqpFixedProducer for: git-repo-name
> [1257130887:1] ->
> Attach{name='qpid-jms:sender:ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1:git-repo-name',
> handle=0, role=SENDER, sndSettleMode=UNSETTLED, rcvSettleMode=FIRST,
> source=Source{address='ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1',
> durable=NONE, expiryPolicy=SESSION_END, timeout=0, dynamic=false,
> dynamicNodeProperties=null, distributionMode=null, filter=null,
> defaultOutcome=null, outcomes=[amqp:accepted:list,
> amqp:rejected:list], capabilities=null},
> target=Target{address='git-repo-name', durable=NONE,
> expiryPolicy=SESSION_END, timeout=0, dynamic=false,
> dynamicNodeProperties=null, capabilities=[queue]}, unsettled=null,
> incompleteUnsettled=false, initialDeliveryCount=0,
> maxMessageSize=null, offeredCapabilities=null,
> desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,552 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - Attempted write of: 253 bytes
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,559 [ntLoopGroup-2-1] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - New data read: 202 bytes incoming:
> UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 202, cap: 65536)
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,560 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - Received from Broker 202 bytes: UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx:
> 0, widx: 202, cap: 65536)
> [1257130887:1] <-
> Attach{name='qpid-jms:sender:ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1:git-repo-name',
> handle=0, role=RECEIVER, sndSettleMode=UNSETTLED, rcvSettleMode=FIRST,
> source=Source{address='ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1',
> durable=NONE, expiryPolicy=SESSION_END, timeout=0, dynamic=false,
> dynamicNodeProperties=null, distributionMode=null, filter=null,
> defaultOutcome=null, outcomes=[amqp:accepted:list,
> amqp:rejected:list], capabilities=null}, target=null, unsettled=null,
> incompleteUnsettled=false, initialDeliveryCount=null,
> maxMessageSize=null, offeredCapabilities=null,
> desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,562 [ntLoopGroup-2-1] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - New data read: 38 bytes incoming:
> UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 38, cap: 65536)
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,562 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: LINK_INIT
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,562 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: LINK_LOCAL_OPEN
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,562 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: LINK_REMOTE_OPEN
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,562 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - Received from Broker 38 bytes: UnpooledHeapByteBuf(ridx:
> 0, widx: 38, cap: 65536)
> [1257130887:1] <- Detach{handle=0, closed=true,
> error=Error{condition=amqp:not-found, description='null', info=null}}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,563 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: LINK_REMOTE_CLOSE
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,563 [localhost:5672]] - WARN  AmqpAbstractResource
>           - Open of AmqpFixedProducer {
> ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1 } failed:
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,563 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE AmqpProvider
>           - New Proton Event: LINK_LOCAL_CLOSE
> [1257130887:1] -> Detach{handle=0, closed=true, error=null}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,564 [localhost:5672]] - TRACE NettyTcpTransport
>           - Attempted write of: 16 bytes
> Caught exception, exiting.
> javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Received error from remote peer
> without description [condition = amqp:not-found]
>     at 
> org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpAbstractResource.getRemoteError(AmqpAbstractResource.java:230)
>     at 
> org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpAbstractResource.processRemoteClose(AmqpAbstractResource.java:284)
>     at 
> org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpProvider.processUpdates(AmqpProvider.java:750)
>     at 
> org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpProvider.access$1500(AmqpProvider.java:87)
>     at 
> org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpProvider$16.run(AmqpProvider.java:667)
>     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
>     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)
>     at 
> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:178)
>     at 
> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:292)
>     at 
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
>     at 
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
>     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> On the broker side:
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,390 INFO  [IoReceiver - /]
> (stats.StatisticsCounter) - Resetting statistics for counter:
> messages-delivered-0-9
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,390 INFO  [IoReceiver - /]
> (stats.StatisticsCounter) - Resetting statistics for counter:
> data-delivered-0-10
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,390 INFO  [IoReceiver - /]
> (stats.StatisticsCounter) - Resetting statistics for counter:
> messages-received-0-11
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,390 INFO  [IoReceiver - /]
> (stats.StatisticsCounter) - Resetting statistics for counter:
> data-received-0-12
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,402 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|0] :
> SaslMechanisms{saslServerMechanisms=[CRAM-MD5]}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,406 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x1b\x02\x01\x00\x00\x00S@\xc0\x0e\x01\xe0\x0b\x01\xa3\x08CRAM-MD5
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,406 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] : AMQP\x03\x01\x00\x00
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,414 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x18\x02\x01\x00\x00\x00SA\xc0\x0b\x01\xa3\x08CRAM-MD5
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,416 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|0] : SaslInit{mechanism=CRAM-MD5}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,482 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|0] :
> SaslChallenge{challenge=<2216746248967292850.1433954765482@localhost>}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,484 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00=\x02\x01\x00\x00\x00SB\xc00\x01\xa0-<2216746248967292850.1433954765482@localhost>
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,648 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] :
> \x00\x00\x006\x02\x01\x00\x00\x00SC\xc0)\x01\xa0&guest
> c07aab26cfd1604d238dd90cf69212b3
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,648 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|0] : SaslResponse{response=guest
> c07aab26cfd1604d238dd90cf69212b3}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,649 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|0] : SaslOutcome{code=ok}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,650 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x10\x02\x01\x00\x00\x00SD\xc0\x03\x01P\x00
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,657 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] :
> AMQP\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00q\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00S\x10\xc0d\x09\xa1$ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-1:1\xa1\x09localhostp\x00\x10\x00\x00`\x7f\xffp\x00\x00u0@@@\xe0
> \x01\xa3\x1dsole-connection-for-container
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,660 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|0] :
> Open{containerId=ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-1:1,hostname=localhost,maxFrameSize=1048576,channelMax=32767,idleTimeOut=30000,desiredCapabilities=[sole-connection-for-container]}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,669 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|0] :
> Open{containerId=866d40c9-6be8-4456-95f1-165138b3fdc6,maxFrameSize=32768,channelMax=255,properties={product=qpid,
> version=0.32, qpid.build=Unversioned directory,
> qpid.instance_name=Broker}}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,670 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\xa2\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00S\x10\xc0\x95\x0a\xa1$866d40c9-6be8-4456-95f1-165138b3fdc6@p\x00\x00\x80\x00`\x00\xff@@@@@\xc1^\x08\xa3\x07product\xa1\x04qpid\xa3\x07version\xa1\x040.32\xa3\x0aqpid.build\xa1\x15Unversioned
> directory\xa3\x12qpid.instance_name\xa1\x06Broker
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,677 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x18\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00S\x11\xc0\x0b\x05@R\x01CCp\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x17\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00S\x13\xc0\x0a\x04@p\x00\x00\x07\xffR\x01C
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,678 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|0] :
> Begin{nextOutgoingId=1,incomingWindow=0,outgoingWindow=0,handleMax=65535}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,683 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|0] :
> Begin{remoteChannel=0,nextOutgoingId=0,incomingWindow=2048,outgoingWindow=2048}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,683 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x1c\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00S\x11\xc0\x0f\x04`\x00\x00Cp\x00\x00\x08\x00p\x00\x00\x08\x00
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,693 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|0] :
> Flow{incomingWindow=2047,nextOutgoingId=1,outgoingWindow=0}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,718 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x18\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x11\xc0\x0b\x05@R\x01CCp\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x17\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x13\xc0\x0a\x04@p\x00\x00\x07\xffR\x01C
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,718 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|1] :
> Begin{nextOutgoingId=1,incomingWindow=0,outgoingWindow=0,handleMax=65535}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,718 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|1] :
> Begin{remoteChannel=1,nextOutgoingId=0,incomingWindow=2048,outgoingWindow=2048}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,719 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x1c\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x11\xc0\x0f\x04`\x00\x01Cp\x00\x00\x08\x00p\x00\x00\x08\x00
> 2015-06-10 20:46:05,720 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|1] :
> Flow{incomingWindow=2047,nextOutgoingId=1,outgoingWindow=0}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,553 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\xfd\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x12\xc0\xf0\x0a\xa1Fqpid-jms:sender:ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1:git-repo-nameCBP\x00P\x00\x00S(\xc0i\x0a\xa1(ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1C\xa3\x0bsession-endCB@@@@\xe0(\x02\xa3\x12amqp:accepted:list\x12amqp:rejected:list\x00S)\xc0+\x07\xa1\x0dgit-repo-nameC\xa3\x0bsession-endCB@\xe0\x08\x01\xa3\x05queue@BC
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,555 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|1] :
> Attach{name=qpid-jms:sender:ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1:git-repo-name,handle=0,role=sender,sndSettleMode=unsettled,rcvSettleMode=first,source=Source{address=ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1,durable=none,expiryPolicy=session-end,timeout=0,dynamic=false,outcomes=[amqp:accepted:list,
> amqp:rejected:list]},target=Target{address=git-repo-name,durable=none,expiryPolicy=session-end,timeout=0,dynamic=false,capabilities=[queue]},incompleteUnsettled=false,initialDeliveryCount=0}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,558 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|1] :
> Attach{name=qpid-jms:sender:ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1:git-repo-name,handle=0,role=receiver,sndSettleMode=unsettled,rcvSettleMode=first,source=Source{address=ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1,durable=none,expiryPolicy=session-end,timeout=0,dynamic=false,outcomes=[amqp:accepted:list,
> amqp:rejected:list]}}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,559 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\xca\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x12\xc0\xbd\x06\xa1Fqpid-jms:sender:ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1:git-repo-nameCAP\x00P\x00\x00S(\xc0i\x0a\xa1(ID:localhost-53316-1433954764851-0:1:1:1C\xa3\x0bsession-endCB@@@@\xe0(\x02\xa3\x12amqp:accepted:list\x12amqp:rejected:list
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,561 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|1] :
> Detach{handle=0,closed=true,error=Error{condition=not-found}}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,561 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00&\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x16\xc0\x19\x03CA\x00S\x1d\xc0\x11\x01\xa3\x0eamqp:not-found
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,565 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> RECV[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x10\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x16\xc0\x03\x02CA
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,565 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|1] : Detach{handle=0,closed=true}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,883 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> RECV[/|-1] : Underlying connection closed
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,884 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|0] : End{}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,884 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x0e\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00S\x17\xc0\x01\x00
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,885 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (FRM) -
> SEND[/|1] : End{}
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,885 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /] (RAW) -
> SEND[/] :
> \x00\x00\x00\x0e\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00S\x17\xc0\x01\x00
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,885 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Submitting task:
> org.apache.qpid.server.model.AbstractConfiguredObject$7@318ddd2f
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,885 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Performing task
> org.apache.qpid.server.model.AbstractConfiguredObject$7@318ddd2f
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,886 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Submitting task:
> org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.TaskExecutorImpl$2@4e098d40
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,886 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Performing task
> org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.TaskExecutorImpl$2@4e098d40
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,892 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Task
> org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.TaskExecutorImpl$2@4e098d40
> is performed successfully with result:null
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,893 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Task
> org.apache.qpid.server.model.AbstractConfiguredObject$7@318ddd2f is
> performed successfully with result:DELETED
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,893 DEBUG [IoReceiver - /]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Submitting task:
> org.apache.qpid.server.model.AbstractConfiguredObject$7@6066471e
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,894 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Performing task
> org.apache.qpid.server.model.AbstractConfiguredObject$7@6066471e
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,894 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Submitting task:
> org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.TaskExecutorImpl$2@50795bc4
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,894 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Performing task
> org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.TaskExecutorImpl$2@50795bc4
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,894 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Task
> org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.TaskExecutorImpl$2@50795bc4
> is performed successfully with result:null
> 2015-06-10 20:46:08,894 DEBUG [Broker-Configuration-Thread]
> (updater.TaskExecutorImpl) - Task
> org.apache.qpid.server.model.AbstractConfiguredObject$7@6066471e is
> performed successfully with result:DELETED
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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