On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 06:46 +0000, Aschenbrenner, Erik wrote:
> Hi Paolo, hi Chuck!
> Nice to see some other AMQP experts here on the user list.
> In your blogs you deal with Wireshark to trace and dissect AMPQ
> traffic. Did you ever try to dissect encrypted AMQP traffic with
> Wireshark? Because in real word AMQP traffic may be encrypted (at
> least in the one real world application I'm working on). In the
> Wireshark forum (https://ask.wireshark.org/questions/43961/amqp-10-tr
> affic-not-dissected-with-wireshark-1126) the creator of the AMQP
> dissector for Wireshark said that there is now way to decode
> encrypted traffic in Wireshark. Maybe this would be an idea for
> another blog post to find out if this is true ;-)

This is not a problem specific to AMQP. The point of encryption is to
make it impossible to read the encrypted data, wireshark can't do
anything to get around that.

It is a "layered" problem - for example the TCP headers of an encrypted
SSL connection are not themselves encrypted otherwise they couldn't be
routed. So wireshark can show you that there are TCP packets with SSL
encrypted contents, but can't show you the content. 

All the Qpid tools use SSL or SASL to create a fully encrypted "tunnel"
through which AMQP traffic passes. There's no way for wireshark to see
inside this tunnel. An application could encrypt just the message
contents and leave the AMQP protocol in the clear but I don't think
that is common practice.

> Regards,
> Erik
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Paolo Patierno [mailto:ppatie...@live.com]
> Gesendet: Freitag, 28. August 2015 08:27
> An: users@qpid.apache.org
> Betreff: RE: AMQP blog
> Hi Chuck,
> nice and very useful article !
> Articles like these help people to understand better AMQP
> specification.
> I'd like to add my three part series of "AMQP type system explained
> by examples". I used AMQP .Net Lite too.
> https://paolopatierno.wordpress.com/2015/07/20/amqp-protocol-the-buil
> tin-type-system-by-examples/
> https://paolopatierno.wordpress.com/2015/07/23/amqp-on-the-wire-messa
> ges-content-framing/
> https://paolopatierno.wordpress.com/2015/07/24/amqp-message-accepted-
> encoding-on-the-wire/
> Thanks,
> Paolo
> Sent from my Windows Phone
> ________________________________
> From: Chuck Rolke<mailto:cro...@redhat.com>
> Sent: ‎27/‎08/‎2015 23:36
> To: users@qpid.apache.org<mailto:users@qpid.apache.org>
> Subject: AMQP blog
> I've got a blog series going and I've just posted "AMQP Illustrated",
> an article that might be of interest here.
> Please see 
> https://chugrolke.wordpress.com/2015/08/27/amqp-illustrated/
> To date my series of blogs has been focused on the Apache ActiveMQ
> AMQP broker and Microsoft AMQP.Net Lite client, neither of which is
> under the Qpid umbrella. AMQP Illustrated is different. It dissects a
> simple HelloWorld example and explains the AMQP activity that happens
> over the wire. The illustration part is a web page with loads of AMQP
> smarts that helps you see what's going on at a high level and still
> easily drills down into the details.
> I have a github project https://github.com/ChugR/Adverb that contains
> the network-trace-to-web-page logic. Check it out and let me know if
> it is useful for you.
> -Chuck
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