Hello, I'm trying to run a quick test using Dispatch Router, and I think I need help with configuration.
I'd like to set up such a router between two AMQP brokers, and routes messages from BrokerA to BrokerB. Right now, I have Qpid BrokerA running on port 5672, and Qpid BrokerB running on port 5670, and I have a router running the following "qdrouterd.conf" config file content: listener { addr: localhost port: 5672 sasl-mechanisms: ANONYMOUS } connector { addr: localhost port: 5670 sasl-mechanisms: ANONYMOUS } router { mode: standalone } Why doesn't the above config work with this simple scenario? I tested this broker+router setup using two clients: subscriber subscribing to port 5670, and publisher publishing to port 5672. Messages don't flow through... Thanks jjw