Hi all

again, my apologies for all these questions.

I am trying to clarify my understanding around transactions support within
qpid and here is my current understanding (based on documentation & JIRA).
I have to say I did not test anything yet.

My use cases all go into the same pattern : (1) writes into a DB &
publishes messages or (2) consumes messages and updates a DB, all of this
being "atomic" (e.g. if the DB writings fail, messages are not sent
etc...), with Java & C++ clients and I am figuring out if I can rely on XA
/ DTX or if I need to find another implementation.

Here is my current understanding, any comments are welcomed.

AMQP 0.10AMQP 1.0Deployment typeC++ API JMS APIC++ API JMS APIHA Java
cluster of Java brokerslocal transactionokokokokdistributed / XA
transactionsokokokokFederated + HA C++ Brokers- Federated Exchanges +
clustering of CPP Brokers
- persistence (no message loss)local transactionok (

but looks redundant with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-4328

*not sure the backup are asynchronously updated*?ok (
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-4710)?distributed / XA
transactionsko (based on
Router- local tx will be supported (
- distributed tx may be supported

So as you can see, I am not clear about distributed transactions support
(AMQP 0.10 or 1.0). Can you help ?



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