On 01/04/16 21:00, Flores, Paul A. wrote:
So here is the situation.

I have a requester that is doing the following:

         const char* response_queue="#response_queue; {create: always}";

The responder that receives the message but when it tries

    Address reply_to_address=request_message.getReplyTo();

    Sender reply_sender = session.createSender(reply_to_address);

I am seeing:

2016-04-01 13:41:16 [Client] warning Exception received from broker: not-found: 
Queue not found: eb67d5b2-8c95-4338-9a01-f8017bbae223#response_queue 
[caused by 9 \x08:\x01]
Queue eb67d5b2-8c95-4338-9a01-f8017bbae223#response_queue does not exist

Any insights /help/comments/suggestions?

Have a look at client.cpp in examples/messaging. You can use receiver.getAddress() to get the actual address you are using for the receiver on which you are waiting for replies. The queue is only created when there is a receiver.

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