Currently proton-C and the various bindings do *not* auto-close
contained objects when the container closes. I.e. closing a connection
does not close its sessions, closing a session does not close its links
etc. Also closing a transport does not automatically close its

I believe there are some reconnect use-cases that require this, e.g. if
the transport closes unexpectedly you want to keep the connection and
its children around so you can use them to re-build connection state on
a new transport.

However in the majority of cases it is a huge pain. Look at the
existing broker.cpp example, `remove_stale_consumers`. The example
isn't even complete: you must implement transport_close,
connection_close, link_close (or in C++ sender_close and
receiver_close) AND session_close (forgotten in the broker.cpp example)
to clean up link resources correctly.

I'd like to find a way to automate this that doesn't break the
reconnect cases. Ideally I'd like it to be the default behavior unless
a reconnect handler is in play. Can that be done with the existing
event set or do we need new events?


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