One more thing to add, does it impact qpid performance? Ram
On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 11:41 AM, rammohan ganapavarapu <> wrote: > Hi, > > Do you know what are these messages in these exchanges and why they didn't > get consumed and will it cause any issue if those msg number grow if so how > to resolve that issue? restarting qpidd may clear those messages but wanted > to know if we can configure to set threshold and clear them automatically. > > > qpid-stat -e > > Exchanges > exchange type dur bind msgIn msgOut msgDrop > byteIn byteOut byteDrop > direct 2 28.9m 28.9m 0 > 272g 272g 0 > amq.topic topic Y 0 0 0 0 > 0 0 0 > topic 6 75.6m 0 75.6m > 144g 0 144g > > Thanks, > Ram >