Hello, I have an architecture composed of a dispatcher connected to 2 Java
brokers (6.0.0) running AMQP 1.0 on ports 5672 and 5673 on the same machine.
Both of the brokers have a single queue "cluster.queue". So I configured the
dispatcher to promote this queue on both brokers as follows: qdmanage -b
amqp://localhost:10400 create --type=address prefix=cluster.queue waypoint=true
name=cluster.queue.addr qdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10400 create
--type=connector role=route-container addr=localhost port=5672
name=localhost.5672.cluster.queueqdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10400 create
--type=autoLink addr=cluster.queue dir=in
name=localhost.5672.cluster.queue.inqdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10400 create
--type=autoLink addr=cluster.queue dir=out
connection=localhost.5672.cluster.queue name=localhost.5672.cluster.queue.out
qdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10400 create --type=connector role=route-container
addr=localhost port=5673 name=localhost.5673.cluster.queueqdmanage -b
amqp://localhost:10400 create --type=autoLink addr=cluster.queue dir=in
name=localhost.5673.cluster.queue.inqdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10400 create
--type=autoLink addr=cluster.queue dir=out
connection=localhost.5673.cluster.queue name=localhost.5673.cluster.queue.out
If I send 500 messages with a single producer, all messages are always sent to
the first broker. Checking the docs, it seems that by default the dispatcher
should load balance between both brokers which is not what I am observing. I
checked https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DISPATCH-338 and retrieved
0.6.0-rc3 but I am still experiencing this issue. Regards.Adel