Hello Ted,

Increasing the link capacity had no impact. So, I have
 done a series of tests to try and isolate the issue. 
We tested 3 different architecture without any consumers:
Producer --> Broker
Producer --> Dispatcher
Producer --> Dispatcher --> Broker
In every test, we sent 100 000 messages which contained a byte array of 100 
bytes. The producers are sending in synchronous mode and with AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE.

Our benchmark machines have 20 cores and 396 Gb Ram each. We have
currently put consumers/producers on 1 machine and dispatcher/brokers on 
another machine. They are both connected with a 10 Gbps ethernet connection. 
Nothing else is using the machines.

The results are in
 the table below.

What I could observe:
The broker alone scales well when I add producers
The dispatcher alone scales well when I add producersThe dispatcher connected 
to a broker scales well with 2 producersThe dispatcher connected to a broker 
fails when having 3 producers or more

 also did some "qdstat -l" while the test was running and at max had 5 
unsettled deliveries. So I don't think the problem comes with the 

What else can we look at? How does the dispatcher connect the producers to the 
broker? Does it open a new connection with each new producer? Or does it use 
some sort of a connection pool?

Could the issue come from the capacity configuration of the link in the 
connection between the broker and the dispatcher?

  Number of Producers
  Combined Producer Throughput (msg/s)
  Combined Producer Latency (micros)


  3 500

  9 200
  6 000
  12 000
  16 000
  2 500
  4 800
  5 200

qdstat -l
bash$ qdstat -b dell445srv:10254 -l
Router Links
  type      dir  conn id  id  peer  class   addr                  phs  cap  
undel  unsettled  deliveries  admin    oper
  endpoint  in   19       46        mobile  perfQueue             1    250  0   
   0          0           enabled  up
  endpoint  out  19       54        mobile  perf.topic              0    250  0 
     2          4994922     enabled  up
  endpoint  in   27       57        mobile  perf.topic               0    250  
0      1          1678835     enabled  up
  endpoint  in   28       58        mobile  perf.topic               0    250  
0      1          1677653     enabled  up
  endpoint  in   29       59        mobile  perf.topic               0    250  
0      0          1638434     enabled  up
  endpoint  in   47       94        mobile  $management           0    250  0   
   0          1           enabled  up
  endpoint  out 47      95        local   temp.2u+DSi+26jT3hvZ       250  0     
 0          0           enabled  up


> Subject: Re: [Performance] Benchmarking Qpid dispatch router 0.6.0 with Qpid 
> Java Broker 6.0.0
> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> From: tr...@redhat.com
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 10:32:29 -0400
> Adel,
> That's a good question.  I think it's highly dependent on your 
> requirements and the environment.  Here are some random thoughts:
>   - There's a trade-off between memory use (message buffering) and
>     throughput.  If you have many clients sharing the message bus,
>     smaller values of linkCapacity will protect the router memory.  If
>     you have relatively few clients wanting to go fast, a larger
>     linkCapacity is appropriate.
>   - If the underlying network has high latency (satellite links, long
>     distances, etc.), larger values of linkCapacity will be needed to
>     protect against stalling caused by delayed settlement.
>   - The default of 250 is considered a reasonable compromise.  I think a
>     value around 10 is better for a shared bus, but 500-1000 might be
>     better for throughput with few clients.
> -Ted
> On 07/26/2016 10:08 AM, Adel Boutros wrote:
> > Thanks Ted,
> >
> > I will try to change linkCapacity. However, I was wondering if there is a 
> > way to "calculate an optimal value for linkCapacity". What factors can 
> > impact this field?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adel
> >
> >> Subject: Re: [Performance] Benchmarking Qpid dispatch router 0.6.0 with 
> >> Qpid Java Broker 6.0.0
> >> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> >> From: tr...@redhat.com
> >> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:44:43 -0400
> >>
> >> Adel,
> >>
> >> The number of workers should be related to the number of available
> >> processor cores, not the volume of work or number of connections.  4 is
> >> probably a good number for testing.
> >>
> >> I'm not sure what the default link credit is for the Java broker (it's
> >> 500 for the c++ broker) or the clients you're using.
> >>
> >> The metric you should adjust is the linkCapacity for the listener and
> >> route-container connector.  LinkCapacity is the number of deliveries
> >> that can be in-flight (unsettled) on each link.  Qpid Dispatch Router
> >> defaults linkCapacity to 250.  Depending on the volumes in your test,
> >> this might account for the discrepancy.  You should try increasing this
> >> value.
> >>
> >> Note that linkCapacity is used to set initial credit for your links.
> >>
> >> -Ted
> >>
> >> On 07/25/2016 12:10 PM, Adel Boutros wrote:
> >>> Hello,We are actually running some performance benchmarks in an 
> >>> architecture consisting of a Java Broker connected to a Qpid dispatch 
> >>> router. We also have 3 producers and 3 consumers in the test. The 
> >>> producers send message to a topic which has a binding on a queue with a 
> >>> filter and the consumers receives message from that queue.
> >>> We have noticed a significant loss of performance in this architecture 
> >>> compared to an architecture composed of a simple Java Broker. The 
> >>> throughput of the producers is down to half and there are a lot of 
> >>> oscillations in the presence of the dispatcher.
> >>>
> >>> I have tried to double the number of workers on the dispatcher but it had 
> >>> no impact.
> >>>
> >>> Can you please help us find the cause of this issue?
> >>>
> >>> Dispacth router config
> >>> router {
> >>>     id: router.10454
> >>>     mode: interior
> >>>     worker-threads: 4
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> listener {
> >>>     host:
> >>>     port: 10454
> >>>     role: normal
> >>>     saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
> >>>     requireSsl: no
> >>>     authenticatePeer: no
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> Java Broker config
> >>> export QPID_JAVA_MEM="-Xmx16g -Xms2g"
> >>> 1 Topic + 1 Queue
> >>> 1 AMQP port without any authentication mechanism (ANONYMOUS)
> >>>
> >>> Qdmanage on Dispatcher
> >>> qdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10454 create --type=address prefix=perfQueue 
> >>> waypoint=true name=perf.queue.addr
> >>> qdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10454 create --type=address 
> >>> prefix=perf.topic waypoint=true name=perf.topic.addr
> >>> qdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10454 create --type=connector 
> >>> role=route-container addr=localhost port=10455 
> >>> name=localhost.broker.10455.connector
> >>> qdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10454 create --type=autoLink addr=perfQueue 
> >>> dir=in connection=localhost.broker.10455.connector 
> >>> name=localhost.broker.10455.perfQueue.in
> >>> qdmanage -b amqp://localhost:10454 create --type=autoLink addr=perf.topic 
> >>> dir=out connection=localhost.broker.10455.connector 
> >>> name=localhost.broker.10455.perf.topic.out
> >>>
> >>> Combined producer throughput
> >>> 1 Broker: http://hpics.li/a9d6efa
> >>> 1 Broker + 1 Dispatcher: http://hpics.li/189299b
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Adel
> >>>
> >>>                                   
> >>>
> >>
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> >>
> >                                     
> >
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