A couple of weeks back Justin mentioned forward plans for proton. I
want to let everyone know what I've been working on recently to split
up the proton-c library and hopefully make its source tree layout a bit
easier to follow.

The JIRAs for this work are:

The github PR is:

I'll describe the final results of the rearrangement/split as the best
way to approach this - I'll note the noticeable API changes at the end.

The re-organization introduces a core proton library called qpid-
proton-core (libqpid-proton-core.so). This contains only the protocol
processing engine of proton-c. These are the APIs included in the
following headers (with a few supporting headers).

One of the defining feature of this library is that it is totally
portable with no OS dependencies at all. There are some compiler
(standard library) dependencies mostly due to MS Visual Studio not
supporting C99.

- proton/engine.h
-- Convenience include for
--- proton/condition.h
--- proton/connection.h
--- proton/session.h
--- proton/terminus.h
--- proton/link.h
--- proton/delivery.h
--- proton/event.h
--- proton/transport.h
- proton/condition.h
-- pn_condition_t
- proton/connection.h
-- pn_state_t
-- pn_connection_t
- proton/delivery.h
-- pn_delivery_t
-- pn_delivery_tag_t
- proton/event.h
-- pn_event_t
-- pn_event_type_t
-- pn_collector_t
- proton/link.h
-- pn_link_t
-- pn_snd_settle_mode_t
-- pn_rcv_settle_mode_t
- proton/session.h
-- pn_session_t
- proton/transport.h
-- pn_transport_t
-- pn_trace_t
-- pn_tracer_t

- proton/codec.h
-- pn_type_t
-- pn_atom_t
-- pn_data_t
- proton/disposition.h
-- pn_disposition_t
- proton/error.h
-- pn_error_t
- proton/message.h
-- pn_message_t
- proton/sasl.h
-- pn_sasl_t
-- pn_sasl_outcome_t
- proton/ssl.h
-- pn_ssl_domain_t
-- pn_ssl_t
-- pn_ssl_mode_t
-- pn_ssl_resume_status_t
-- pn_ssl_verify_mode_t
-- pn_ssl_cert_subject_subfield (! name not consistent with others)
-- pn_ssl_hash_alg (! name not consistent with others)
- proton/terminus.h
-- pn_terminus_t
-- pn_terminus_type_t
-- pn_durability_t
-- pn_expiry_policy_t
-- pn_distribution_mode_t

Supporting headers:
- proton/types.h
-- Declares nearly all the types used in the APIs. It
   included nearly everywhere to get these declarations.
-- Maybe it
should actually declare *all* of them.
- proton/type_compat.h
-- Used to
portably get stdbool/stdint and ssize_t types
- proton/import_export.h
Used to portably handle API symbol export and hiding.

- proton/object.h
-- This is not really part of the user API, and may only be needed for
   reactor based bindings.
-- [pn_object_t] (actually void*)
-- pn_handle_t
-- pn_shandle_t
-- pn_class_t
-- pn_string_t
-- pn_list_t
-- pn_map_t
-- pn_hash_t
-- pn_iterator_t
-- pn_record_t
- proton/cid.h
-- This is also part of the object system and again may only be needed
   for reactor based bindings.
-- pn_cid_t

I'm not sure this is really a good core API at all. At least Proton logging 
should be revisited and perhaps redesigned.
- proton/log.h
-- pn_logger_t

The next set of APIs are "extras" - they are not included in the core and are 
purely provided as conveniences. These may be bundled into their own library 
qpid-proton-extra (libqpid-proton-extra.so)
- include/proton/parser.h
-- This contains a parser from a textual format to the proton-c
   pn_data_t type.
- include/proton/url.h
-- This contains a parser that can dissect URLs used for specifying
   connection and messaging addresses.

The remaining part of the library is regarded as legacy and stays in the 
existing qpid-proton library.
- include/proton/handlers.h
- include/proton/messenger.h
- include/proton/reactor.h
- include/proton/selectable.h

These headers are for the messenger and reactor APIs.

The existing proton library (qpid-proton/libqpid-proton.so) still exists and 
still has the same content as before (Except for some APIs that were really 
internal and have now been hidden away - see the section at the end).

The intention is that moving forward all the language bindings to proton-c will 
be modified to only use the core APIs, with perhaps the extra library used if 
necessary. This is already the case for the go binding which has already been 
modified to only use core APIs. The C++ binding is fairly close to only using 
the core APIs, but will probably require the URL parser from the extras library.

Other bindings will follow.

The proton-c source tree organization has been simplified somewhat and 
rearranged so that the different API sections described above map directly to 
source tree directories.

[Everything here is relative to the proton-c/src in the full source 

Core library: All source in directories
- core - The actual proton-c engine
- compiler - Any compiler specific core (currently there is only MSVC
  code here)
- sasl - The code supporting the SASL protocol layer. This code may not
  all be OS independent as it is used to interface an external library
  to proton. The default implementation of SASL is pure ANSI C.

- ssl - The code supporting the ssl protocol layer. Again this code is
  not entirely OS independent as the optional schannel support is
  Windows only.

Extra (potential) library: All source in directory
- extra

The legacy APIs are in the remaining directories:
- handlers
- messenger
- platform - This contains OS and compiler specific code for the legacy
- reactor
- reactor/io - This contains io implementations for the reactor and
  messenger APIs.

For the moment the installed header files have not been rearranged in the 
source tree, although it may be a good idea for some future work to separate 
them by category.

These changes shouldn't be noticeable to anyone using the current qpid-proton 
library is it is more-or-less unchanged. The "more-or-less" has a little detail 
though: I have moved a few previously exposed APIs to be internal only - they 
are not used by any example and logically aren't needed. but it is possible 
that someone somewhere is using them.

These are:

This has turned out to be far longer than I intended - I hope it is clear 
enough. Comments, criticisms etc. all welcome.


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