
I analyzed if it is possible to broadcast messages using a single queue. I
know I could make the consumers listen to a topic but I noticed that a
temporary queue is created on the broker and I'm afraid of the broker
performance if hundreds of consumers listen to the topic.

So far, I managed to broadcast in 2 ways:
- configure a queue on the broker configured with
"ensureNondestructiveConsumers" and a default filter with a replay period
to not receive all the message when a consumer connect. The problem is that
the messages on the queue are never cleared. A TTL can solve that but I
cannot lose messages.
- configure the dispatch router 0.6.1 to listen to the broker and expose an
address with the distribution "multicast". This works very well.

To cover use cases where only the Qpid java broker can be used, I wonder if
you know other solutions to broadcast a message to consumers using a single

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

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