I have to admit, the different between LinkRoutes and AutoLinks was not clear 
to me.

Do you mind stating the advantages and drawbacks of each? (We are mainly 
interested in the load balancing and performance aspects)



From: Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com>
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 12:12:29 PM
To: users@qpid.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Qpid Dispatch] Message States on Web Management Console of Qpid 
Java Broker


I don't know what your use case is, but at the risk of creating more
confusion I will mention that using link-routing to a broker through a
router network has very different behavior.

With link-routing, there is no prefetch and the routers don't do any
load balancing.  The links are attached from consumer to broker through
the router network.  Credit is handled by each side normally.  If the
consumer detaches or drops, all of its in-flight deliveries will be
released to the broker and held there until another consumer appears.


On 02/24/2017 10:58 AM, Adel Boutros wrote:
> That's perfectly clear! In our use cases, the default behavior will be enough 
> for now.
> Thanks,
> Adel
> ________________________________
> From: Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com>
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 11:52:37 AM
> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [Qpid Dispatch] Message States on Web Management Console of Qpid 
> Java Broker
> Sorry Adel, I should have been more clear.  I meant that it might be
> possible to design and code a new feature for the router to allow it to
> revoke and release when the last consumer is gone from the network.
> I don't think this would be the desirable default behavior however.  It
> would only be useful if there were consumers on the broker that access
> the broker directly and not through the router network.  If all the
> consumers access the broker through the routers, the current behavior is
> more efficient.
> -Ted
> On 02/24/2017 09:01 AM, Adel Boutros wrote:
>> Thank you Ted for your clarifications. However, there is still something 
>> confusing:
>> You said "It might be possible for the router to revoke credit and release 
>> all of its prefetched deliveries once it becomes aware that there are no 
>> more consumers in the network".
>> However, this is not what we are experiencing as the dispatch router is 
>> still fetching newly sent messages after all consumers have been closed on 
>> the dispatch router (So no consumers are connected to it) which contradicts 
>> the previous hypothesis, no?
>> What triggers the "it might"?
>> Regards,
>> Adel
>> ________________________________
>> From: Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 9:48:32 PM
>> To: users@qpid.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: [Qpid Dispatch] Message States on Web Management Console of 
>> Qpid Java Broker
>> On 02/23/2017 05:52 PM, Adel Boutros wrote:
>>> Hello Ted,
>>> What we tested shows that once credit has been made available to the 
>>> dispatch router, it remains even if no more consumers are connected to it. 
>>> So as Anouchka said any new message sent to the broker is being taken by 
>>> the dispatch router which has no consumer. So no other valid consumer on 
>>> the broker can consume it.
>>> Our questions:
>>> * Do you confirm this behavior is a bug because the dispatch router should 
>>> only consume when a valid peer is connected to it?
>> This behavior is not a bug.  The router is designed to prefetch a number
>> of deliveries from the broker once there is at least one consumer.  This
>> prefetch is the link-capacity of the broker connection (defaults to
>> 250).  It might be possible for the router to revoke credit and release
>> all of its prefetched deliveries once it becomes aware that there are no
>> more consumers in the network.  This would allow the broker to deliver
>> those messages to other directly connected consumers.
>> If you are designing a system in which the router network is one of
>> multiple consumers on a broker's queue, you will have to deal with the
>> prefetch issue.  It is not practical for the router network to propagate
>> real-time credit information across the routers (i.e. issue only enough
>> credit to the broker to match downrange consumer credit).
>>> * What happens if the broker goes down? Does a consumer connected to the 
>>> dispatch router still receives the message as it is currently in the 
>>> dispatch router's memory?
>> If the broker goes down, any undelivered messages prefetched by the
>> router shall be dropped and never delivered.  Any prefetched messages
>> that have been routed to a destination shall continue to be delivered
>> but will be in-doubt in the broker if they are durable.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adel
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 6:09:40 PM
>>> To: users@qpid.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: [Qpid Dispatch] Message States on Web Management Console of 
>>> Qpid Java Broker
>>> Actually, the router does not send the messages back to the broker.  It
>>> only sends back dispositions (modified, delivery-failed=true).  The
>>> transfers that you noted as going back to the broker are actually the
>>> broker resending the messages to the router (The <- arrow direction
>>> denotes incoming deliveries from the router's perspective).
>>> -Ted
>>> On 02/23/2017 04:01 PM, Anouchka El Asmar wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> As advised, I tried tracing the connection between the router and the
>>>> broker. I worte this simple code that sends and receive a message:
>>>> Connection connection = null;
>>>> try {
>>>>     ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new
>>>> JmsConnectionFactory("amqp://localhost:10501");
>>>>     connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
>>>>     Session session = connection.createSession(false,
>>>>     Queue destination = session.createQueue("queue");
>>>>     MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
>>>>     connection.start();
>>>>     TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Hello Adoul!");
>>>>     producer.send(message);
>>>>     MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
>>>>     TextMessage received = (TextMessage) consumer.receive();
>>>>     consumer.close();
>>>> } catch (JMSException e) {
>>>>     e.printStackTrace();
>>>> } finally {
>>>>     if (connection != null)
>>>>         connection.close();
>>>> }
>>>> All the messages are directly acquired by the dispatch router and when
>>>> I close the connection, it resends them to the broker.
>>>> Also, any new message sent direclty to the broker (not through the
>>>> dispatch router) will be directly acquired by the dispatch router.
>>>> Please find below the trace output,
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Anouchka
>>>> Accepted from localhost:58368
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:  <- SASL
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:  -> SASL
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 -> @sasl-mechanisms(64)
>>>> [sasl-server-mechanisms=@PN_SYMBOL[:ANONYMOUS]]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 <- @sasl-init(65) [mechanism=:ANONYMOUS,
>>>> initial-response=b"", hostname="localhost"]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 -> @sasl-outcome(68) [code=0]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:  <- AMQP
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 <- @open(16)
>>>> [container-id="ID:a4e877d7-92e6-44e2-b2be-563ee0c63295:1",
>>>> hostname="localhost", max-frame-size=1048576, channel-max=32767,
>>>> idle-time-out=30000,
>>>> desired-capabilities=@PN_SYMBOL[:"sole-connection-for-container"],
>>>> properties={:product="QpidJMS", :version="0.11.1", :platform="JVM:
>>>> 1.7.0_79, 24.79-b02, Oracle Corporation, OS: Windows 7, 6.1, amd64"}]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:  -> AMQP
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 -> @open(16) [container-id="router.10501",
>>>> max-frame-size=16384, channel-max=32767, idle-time-out=8000,
>>>> offered-capabilities=:"ANONYMOUS-RELAY",
>>>> properties={:product="qpid-dispatch-router", :version="0.7.0"}]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 <- @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=1, incoming-window=2047,
>>>> outgoing-window=2147483647, handle-max=65535]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 -> @begin(17) [remote-channel=0, next-outgoing-id=0,
>>>> incoming-window=61, outgoing-window=2147483647]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=1, incoming-window=2047,
>>>> outgoing-window=2147483647, handle-max=65535]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @begin(17) [remote-channel=1, next-outgoing-id=0,
>>>> incoming-window=61, outgoing-window=2147483647]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @attach(18)
>>>> [name="qpid-jms:sender:ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1:adelQueue",
>>>> handle=0, role=false, snd-settle-mode=0, rcv-settle-mode=0,
>>>> source=@source(40)
>>>> [address="ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1", durable=0,
>>>> expiry-policy=:"session-end", timeout=0, dynamic=false,
>>>> outcomes=@PN_SYMBOL[:"amqp:accepted:list", :"amqp:rejected:list"]],
>>>> target=@target(41) [address="adelQueue", durable=0,
>>>> expiry-policy=:"session-end", timeout=0, dynamic=false,
>>>> capabilities=@PN_SYMBOL[:queue]], incomplete-unsettled=false,
>>>> initial-delivery-count=0]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @attach(18)
>>>> [name="qpid-jms:sender:ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1:adelQueue",
>>>> handle=0, role=true, snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0,
>>>> source=@source(40)
>>>> [address="ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1", durable=0,
>>>> timeout=0, dynamic=false, outcomes=@PN_SYMBOL[:"amqp:accepted:list",
>>>> :"amqp:rejected:list"]], target=@target(41) [address="adelQueue",
>>>> durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false, capabilities=@PN_SYMBOL[:queue]],
>>>> initial-delivery-count=0, max-message-size=0]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=1, incoming-window=61,
>>>> next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=0, delivery-count=0,
>>>> link-credit=250, drain=false]
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> *Here it sends the message*
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=0,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"0", message-format=0] (152)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x02\x01A\x00Sr\xc1)\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkJ\xc7\x86\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:1 -> @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=0,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", message-format=0,
>>>> settled=false, more=false] (158)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x02\x01A\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkJ\xc7\x86\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:1 <- @disposition(21) [role=true, first=0, last=0,
>>>> settled=true, state=@accepted(36) []]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=2, incoming-window=61,
>>>> next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=0, delivery-count=1,
>>>> link-credit=250, drain=false]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @disposition(21) [role=true, first=0, last=0,
>>>> settled=true, state=@accepted(36) []]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @attach(18)
>>>> [name="qpid-jms:receiver:ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1:adelQueue",
>>>> handle=1, role=true, snd-settle-mode=0, rcv-settle-mode=0,
>>>> source=@source(40) [address="adelQueue", durable=0,
>>>> expiry-policy=:"link-detach", timeout=0, dynamic=false,
>>>> default-outcome=@modified(39) [delivery-failed=true],
>>>> outcomes=@PN_SYMBOL[:"amqp:accepted:list", :"amqp:rejected:list",
>>>> :"amqp:released:list", :"amqp:modified:list"],
>>>> capabilities=@PN_SYMBOL[:queue]], target=@target(41) []]
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 -> @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=0, incoming-window=15,
>>>> next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=0, delivery-count=0,
>>>> link-credit=250, drain=false]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @attach(18)
>>>> [name="qpid-jms:receiver:ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1:adelQueue",
>>>> handle=1, role=false, snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0,
>>>> source=@source(40) [address="adelQueue", durable=0,
>>>> expiry-policy=:"link-detach", timeout=0, dynamic=false,
>>>> outcomes=@PN_SYMBOL[:"amqp:accepted:list", :"amqp:rejected:list",
>>>> :"amqp:released:list", :"amqp:modified:list"],
>>>> capabilities=@PN_SYMBOL[:queue]], target=@target(41) [durable=0, timeout=0,
>>>> dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0, max-message-size=0]
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=0,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", message-format=0] (163)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x07\x05A@
>>>> @@R\x04\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:44cb79a5-ae8e-40b7-a930-1f55ba6b3c6a:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkFN\x01\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=1,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", message-format=0] (163)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x07\x05A@
>>>> @@R\x02\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:3d7b3b47-f399-4428-867a-11a18d92f08c:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkG\x7f\x05\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=2,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02", message-format=0] (158)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x02\x01A\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkJ\xc7\x86\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> *Here it receives it*
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=0, incoming-window=2047,
>>>> next-outgoing-id=2, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=1, delivery-count=0,
>>>> link-credit=1000]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @transfer(20) [handle=1, delivery-id=0,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", message-format=0,
>>>> settled=false, more=false] (163) "\x00Sp\xc0\x07\x05A@
>>>> @@R\x04\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:44cb79a5-ae8e-40b7-a930-1f55ba6b3c6a:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkFN\x01\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello Adoul!"
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @transfer(20) [handle=1, delivery-id=1,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", message-format=0,
>>>> settled=false, more=false] (163) "\x00Sp\xc0\x07\x05A@
>>>> @@R\x02\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:3d7b3b47-f399-4428-867a-11a18d92f08c:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkG\x7f\x05\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @transfer(20) [handle=1, delivery-id=2,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", message-format=0,
>>>> settled=false, more=false] (158)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x02\x01A\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkJ\xc7\x86\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 <- (EMPTY FRAME)
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @detach(22) [handle=1, closed=true]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 -> @detach(22) [handle=1, closed=true]
>>>> *Then the consumer is closed*
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 -> @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=3, incoming-window=15,
>>>> next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=0, delivery-count=3,
>>>> link-credit=248, drain=false]
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 -> @disposition(21) [role=true, first=0, last=0,
>>>> settled=true, state=@modified(39) [delivery-failed=true,
>>>> undeliverable-here=false]]
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 -> @disposition(21) [role=true, first=1, last=1,
>>>> settled=true, state=@modified(39) [delivery-failed=true,
>>>> undeliverable-here=false]]
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 -> @disposition(21) [role=true, first=2, last=2,
>>>> settled=true, state=@modified(39) [delivery-failed=true,
>>>> undeliverable-here=false]]
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 -> @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=3, incoming-window=15,
>>>> next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=0, delivery-count=3,
>>>> link-credit=250, drain=false]
>>>> *Then it resends the message back to the broker*
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=3,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03", message-format=0] (163)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x07\x05A@
>>>> @@R\x05\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:44cb79a5-ae8e-40b7-a930-1f55ba6b3c6a:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkFN\x01\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=4,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04", message-format=0] (163)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x07\x05A@
>>>> @@R\x03\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:3d7b3b47-f399-4428-867a-11a18d92f08c:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkG\x7f\x05\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x1b80b90]:0 <- @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=5,
>>>> delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05", message-format=0] (163)
>>>> "\x00Sp\xc0\x07\x05A@
>>>> @@R\x01\x00Sr\xd1\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa3\x12x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ\x05\xa3\x0ex-opt-jms-destQ\x00\x00Ss\xc0M\x0a\xa1/ID:1e147351-49a8-4f50-a90b-f1b9bf4abd21:1:1:1-1@
>>>> \xa1\x09adelQueue@@@@@@\x83\x00\x00\x01ZkJ\xc7\x86\x00Sw\xa1\x0cHello
>>>> Adoul!"
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @disposition(21) [role=true, first=0, last=0,
>>>> settled=true, state=@modified(39) [delivery-failed=true]]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @disposition(21) [role=true, first=1, last=1,
>>>> settled=true, state=@released(38) []]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:1 <- @disposition(21) [role=true, first=2, last=2,
>>>> settled=true, state=@released(38) []]
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 <- @close(24) []
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:  <- EOS
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:0 -> @close(24) []
>>>> [0x7fd3c802d5b0]:  -> EOS
>>>> Closed localhost:58368
>>>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 7:23 PM, Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Anouchka,
>>>>> I assume what is happening in the dispatch router case is that the message
>>>>> does in fact go back to AVAILABLE state, but since the connection between
>>>>> the router and broker is still up (and there is still credit for 
>>>>> transfer),
>>>>> the message is immediately re-sent to the router where is waits until 
>>>>> there
>>>>> is another consumer to take the delivery.
>>>>> Tracing the connection between the broker and router would confirm (or
>>>>> negate) this theory.
>>>>> -Ted
>>>>> On 02/22/2017 05:09 PM, Anouchka El Asmar wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am sending messages to a broker with client acknowledge mode and
>>>>>> checking
>>>>>> the different states of the messages. I realized that when a consumer
>>>>>> receives a message, it sets the message state to ACQUIRED and when you
>>>>>> close the consumer without acknowledging it, it releases the message and
>>>>>> sets it back to AVAILABLE. Another consumer can receive it afterwards.
>>>>>> When I repeat the same scenario with the dispatch router connected to the
>>>>>> broker, the message is always in ACQUIRED state.
>>>>>> Why don't you have the same behavior in both cases?
>>>>>> Qpid Dispatch 0.7
>>>>>> Qpid Broker 6.0.4
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Anouchka
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