I wrote a library to support this type of thing a while ago. I've just
added an example equivalent to Gordon's (there may be some slight
similarities ;) ) to show the retrieval of bindings:

The library hides the complications of the QMF RPC and hides
complications like responses split across several messages (which will
happen when you have more than ~100 bindings on your broker).

Peer review of the library is more than welcome :)


On 26 May 2017 at 19:40, Gordon Sim <g...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 26/05/17 18:44, mottese wrote:
>> Gordon Sim wrote
>>> If you run with
>>> QPID_LOG_ENABLE=trace+ it should give some more insight into what was
>>> going wrong over 1.0.
>> I turned on trace+, but all I seem to be seeing is a whole bunch of the
>> same
>> message:
>>   [Broker] trace Dispatching to xxxxxxx#_yyyyyyy: 0
>>   [Broker] trace Can't deliver to xxxxxxx#_yyyyyyy
>> I looked earlier in the log and it looks like it was able to successfully
>> create the response queue.
> Sorry, my mistake. Not sure why the protocol was to 1.0 in that, it looks
> like it was only used on 0-10. (It was a program I had lying around from a
> previous request).
> Attached is a revised version that works with AMQP 1.0. It uses the
> Receiver::getAddress() to correctly set the reply to address. I also updated
> it to use the content object methods for the message rather than the 0-10
> specific encode/decode methods.
> I've tried it out myself this time before sending(!) and it works as
> expected.
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Chris Richardson, System Architect

FourC AS, Vestre Rosten 81, Trekanten, NO-7075 Tiller, Norway

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