On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 7:12 PM, Dan Langford <danlangf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 9:58 AM Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 7:36 PM, Dan Langford <danlangf...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > > - Can I configure QDR to autoLink in and out ANY/ALL addresses?
> > > No.  There is no way currently for QDR to know what queues are present
> on
> > > its connected brokers.  It would not be difficult to write a program to
> > > synchronize autolinks to existing queues.
> >
> You are right it wouldn't be that difficult. Also with artemis I can turn
> on autocreation of queues and then then use QDR as the spot to manage what
> queues can exist. Not bad. What about synchronizing autoLink config across
> routers in a QDR network? are messages to the $management queue broadcast
> throughout the cluster? i could always resend the necessary messages
> through the _topo address namespace to get it to the other routers.
> > > > - Artemis doesn't support vhosts. Can I configure connections to
> > vhost:Foo
> > > > address:bar actually be address:Foo.bar when the message goes back to
> > the
> > > > broker?
> > > Yes.  There is a multi-tenancy feature for listeners that does exactly
> > what
> > > you are asking for.  If you add the attribute "multiTenant: yes" to the
> > > configuration of a listener in the qdrouterd.conf file, clients
> connected
> > > via that listener will have their addresses annotated as vhost/addr in
> > the
> > > router.
> >
> ok this is going to be perfect.  i am starting to feel more comfortable
> with everything in this config file
> > > - Can I configure QDR to pass auth through to the broker and let the
> > broker
> > > > decide is the user is authenticated and authorized? Inversely can I
> > > > configure QDR to be the only determinate of auth?
> > > Presently, QDR expects to be the sole determiner of authentic identity.
> > There is an open request to add a SASL proxy that might be used to allow
> > > the broker to do authentication on behalf of the router, but that
> hasn't
> > > made it into master yet.
> >
> this is one part that has me a little stuck. QDR is the sole determiner of
> auth identity. but QDR delegates to a cyrus sasl config right? and cyrus
> sasl has some local DB options or sql or ldap or it can delegate to
> kerberos or pam and i am just starting to feel a little lost in all my auth
> option because its been a long time since i have been through all that. i
> will figure it out well enough. i kind of wish there was a way i could send
> a message in through $management to add a new user/pass to the sasldb but
> ill figure something out.
> also, in regards to auth where is it that i specify what users have access
> to what addresses? it looks like that might be in the config in
> vhost>groups but then i see a policy area of the config. ill start in the
> vhost>groups area and see how far i get
> > > > I think depending on what I learn on these topics I will likely have
> > more
> > > > questions. Thank you to anybody who is able to give me a lead or
> point
> > me
> > > > to a config that may serve as an example. I really do appreciate it.
> > > Please don't hesitate to ask more questions or point out where there is
> > > lack of documentation.  We appreciate it as well.
> >
> so i had another question come up in my research today. i have a single F5
> BIG IP VIP that sits in front of all my VMs that are across two different
> geographic locations. due to the two locations i want, well, two of
> everything in a way that i can use all the resources at my disposal but
> still function if one location goes offline. So here are (R)outers and
> (B)rokers in locations (a) and (b)
> in order for me to be able to produce messages into Ba and Bb i found that
> each one of my Routers needed a connection to each one of my Brokers.
> Essentially:
> Ra --> Ba
> Ra --> Bb
> Rb --> Ba
> Rb --> Bb
> Graphically:
> Ra --- Ba
>    \ /
>    / \
> Ra --- Bb
> it was really cool that i could send messages to Ra and see them fill up
> both Ba and Bb. Receiving across both brokers also worked. But i was hoping
> for more of a configuration where the Routers where only connected to a
> single Broker and all the Routers knew about each other.
> Essentially:
> Ra --> Ba
> Rb --> Bb
> Ra <-> Rb
> Graphically:
> Ra --- Ba
> ||
> ||
> Ra --- Bb
> but in this configuration messages sent to Ra only got routed to Ba and
> when i made a consumer on Ra i could only get messages off of Ba. Do you
> know what someone would need to do in the configuration to support this?
>  or is this architecture not ideal? the next thing i was going to try was
> to make the Cost of Ra --> Ba = 2 so that it was equal to the Cost of Ra
> --> Rb --> Bb and then maybe they would be considered as equal routes and
> messages would balance between them. i dont think this explains why i
> couldnt consume from both.  ill work on that tomorrow maybe.
> any ideas you might have would be cool. thanks again. i really appreciate
> your insight

Your desired topology is the one that is intended by Dispatch Router (i.e.
the routers connected together and each connected locally to its own
brokers).  I suspect that the issue you are having is due to a
misconfiguration of some kind.

Do you have instances of the same queue on both brokers?  Or do you have
some queues on one and others on the other?

If you lose a location, do you care if you lose queued messages?  I.e. do
you want availability of the service only or do you need high availability
of the messages?

Here's an example:

If you have both brokers configured the same (same queues) and both routers
configured with auto-links for the queues, and the queue addresses are
"balanced", then the queues will be "sharded".  Each produced message will
go to exactly one of the queues, and each dequeued message will be
delivered to exactly one consumer.  If you assign the inter-router
connection a cost that is relatively high (say 100 or 1000), then traffic
will generally stay local (senders, brokers, and receivers) unless there is
some failure like a failed broker or no consumers in the local location.

Food for thought...


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