Hi, Using the qpid-cpp-1.36 broker/client I am trying to specify two clauses on a receiver node (queue) address; one is a selector and looks something like this:
Variant::Map options; Variant::Map selector; selector["selector"] = "<some selector string>"; options["link"] = selector; the other is a node type specification and looks like Variant::Map node_type; node_type["type"] = "queue"; options["node"] = node_type; // using "options" from previous example options["assert"] = "always"; Either one of these works on their own, but when combined the second clause seems to be ignored and an attempt to access the queue name as an exchange is made, which gets denied by the ACL. Am I doing something nonsensical like trying to combine AMQP-0.10/AMQP-1.0/JMS grammar? Ref: https://qpid.apache.org/releases/qpid-cpp-1.36.0/messaging-api/book/section-addresses.html, it appears that the "selector" keyword does not exist at all - my use of this is based on this previous question http://qpid.2158936.n2.nabble.com/Property-names-in-subscription-selectors-td7625162.html#a7625166 (and nested links). Some clarification would be much appreciated! Chris -- *Chris Richardson*, System Architect c...@fourc.eu *FourC AS, Vestre Rosten 81, Trekanten, NO-7075 Tiller, Norwaywww.fourc.eu <http://www.fourc.eu/>* *Follow us on LinkedIn <http://bit.ly/fourcli>, Facebook <http://bit.ly/fourcfb>, Google+ <http://bit.ly/fourcgp> and Twitter <http://bit.ly/fourctw>!*