On 28/11/17 19:34, Alan Conway wrote:
I noticed a discrepancy on how PN_DELIVERY is handled by different bindings

1. C++ - if (link is locally closed and auto_accept is set)  { release the
message } else { call on_message }
2. Python - if (link is locally closed) { if (auto_accept is set) release
the message} else call on_message
3. Go always calls on_message

I think 1. is correct. auto_accept=true avoids surprising messages after
receiver.close() has been called, and releases the messages politely.
auto_accept=false gives the application complete control.

2. completely drops messages after a local close - no release, no
settlement, no notice to the application. This seems wrong.

I agree; 1 is best, 2 is wrong.

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