Great, it (almost) works! Many thanks!

There's still one problem remains. When I turn auth off, then user is
considered to be anonymous, even when I specify user explicitly in broker url.
When I turn auth on somehow the password is not accepted on command line:

   qpid-config -b amqps://user:passwd@hostname:5671 add queue U1

The following error occurs:

   Failed: ValueError: amqps://user:passwd@hostname:5671

When :passwd is not specified I'm prompted for password and everything works.
But I need to be able to create queues without manual intervention.
Is it possible to accept user name without a password?

Best regards,

18.01.2018 17:11, Chuck Rolke пишет:
> Referring to 
> Queue limits are disabled unless there is an ACL file with a 'quota queues' 
> entry.
> As an aid to understanding the quota enforcement start the broker with 
> '--log-enable trace+:Security --log-enable info+' on the command line.
> I ran your example with an acl file
>     quota queues 4 all
>     acl allow all all
> It creates the first three queues (q1..q3) but then apparently fails to 
> create the fourth queue. This is surprising and not intuitive but the reason 
> is that the qpid-config command itself creates a temporary reply queue that 
> is the fourth allowed queue. Then the attempt to create the fourth queue (q4) 
> is denied since that user already has four queues. The log files should help 
> expose the workings that arrive at this result.
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Michael Ivanov" <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 4:53:18 AM
>> Subject: Max number of queues per user
>> Greetings!
>> I'm trying to limit max nummber of queues that user can create.
>> I turned on authentication, started qpidd with --max-queues-per-user 4
>> option and then create queues using following command:
>>    qpid-config -b amqps://username@hostname:5671 add queue Qn
>> where n = 1, 2, 3, etc.
>> I expected queue creation to fail at 5th queue, but it was created.
>> Do I need to use acls to enforce this limit?
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Michael Ivanov
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