Hi Daniel, It looks to me like you've almost answered your own question, or perhaps that I've misunderstood it... however I'll forge ahead regardless!
I have some code which does this here: https://github.com/fourceu/fourc-qpid-manager/blob/master/include/fourc/fmf/BrokerAgentTemplate.h See line 532, "sendMessage". If you look past the Boost details you'll see that it passes the node type in the sender address exactly as you have specified with spout. There is a second way to provide address attributes by passing a nested Variant::Map structure to the address. This has been useful to me when using other address attributes such as a link selector. I don't have an example of this I can readily share but the pseudo-code might look something like: qpid::messaging::Session session; // = connection.createSession etc qpid::messaging::Message message; // the message to be sent qpid::messaging::types::Variant::Map node_type; qpid::messaging::types::Variant::Map options; node_type["type"] = "topic"; options["node"] = node_type; options["assert"] = "always"; // I've found that this is important or the node type specification may be ignored qpid::messaging::Address address("amq.topic"); address.setOptions(options); auto sender = session.createSender(address); sender.send(message); HTH Chris On 7 February 2018 at 12:37, Gavrila, Daniel <d.gavr...@selex-es-gmbh.com> wrote: > Hi , > > I was reading this thread > > http://qpid.2158936.n2.nabble.com/Queue-and-exchange-with- > the-same-name-td7579722.html > > and I would like to know how I can specify the type of node( queue or > topic) in C++ Proton like here: > > spout 'amq.topic; {node: {type:topic}}' > > spout 'amq.topic; {node: {type:queue}}' > > Best regards, > Daniel > > Selex ES GmbH > Sitz der Gesellschaft / Registered Office: Neuss > Registergericht / Register Court: Neuss HRB 17453 > Gesch?ftsf?hrer / Managing Director: Ulrich Nellen > -- *Chris Richardson*, System Architect c...@fourc.eu *FourC AS, Vestre Rosten 81, Trekanten, NO-7075 Tiller, Norwaywww.fourc.eu <http://www.fourc.eu/>* *Follow us on LinkedIn <http://bit.ly/fourcli>, Facebook <http://bit.ly/fourcfb>, Google+ <http://bit.ly/fourcgp> and Twitter <http://bit.ly/fourctw>!*