No, they are not.

These two defines govern the number of sleeps and the sleep time while waiting for before throwing an exception during recovery only. They do not play a role during normal operation.

If you are able to compile the broker code, you can try playing with these values. But I don't think they will make much difference to the overall problem. I think some of the other errors you have been seeing prior to this one are closer to where the real problem lies - such as the JRNL_WMGR_ENQDISCONT error.

Do you have a reproducer of any kind? Does this error occur predictably under some or other conditions?


Kim van der Riet

On 11/7/18 12:51 PM, rammohan ganapavarapu wrote:

I see these two settings from code, can these be configurable?

#define MAX_AIO_SLEEPS 100000 // tot: ~1 sec

#define AIO_SLEEP_TIME_US  10 // 0.01 ms


On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 7:04 AM rammohan ganapavarapu <> wrote:

Thank you Kim, i will try your suggestions.

On Wed, Nov 7, 2018, 6:58 AM Kim van der Riet < wrote:

This error is a linearstore issue. It looks as though there is a single
write operation to disk that has become stuck, and is holding up all
further write operations. This happens because there is a fixed circular
pool of memory pages used for the AIO operations to disk, and when one
of these is "busy" (indicated by the A letter in the  page state map),
write operations cannot continue until it is cleared. It it does not
clear within a certain time, then an exception is thrown, which usually
results in the broker closing the connection.

The events leading up to a "stuck" write operation are complex and
sometimes difficult to reproduce. If you have a reproducer, then I would
be interested to see it! Even so, the ability to reproduce on another
machine is hard as it depends on such things as disk write speed, the
disk controller characteristics, the number of threads in the thread
pool (ie CPU type), memory and other hardware-related things.

There are two linearstore parameters that you can try playing with to
see if you can change the behavior of the store:

wcache-page-size: This sets the size of each page in the write buffer.
Larger page size is good for large messages, a smaller size will help if
you have small messages.

wchache-num-pages: The total number of pages in the write buffer.

Use the --help on the broker with the linearstore loaded to see more
details on this. I hope that helps a little.

Kim van der Riet

On 11/6/18 2:12 PM, rammohan ganapavarapu wrote:
Any help in understand why/when broker throws those errors and stop
receiving message would be appreciated.

Not sure if any kernel tuning or broker tuning needs to be done to
solve this issue.

Thanks in advance,

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 8:35 AM rammohan ganapavarapu <> wrote:

Also from this log message (store level) it seems like waiting for AIO

2018-10-28 12:27:01 [Store] critical Linear Store: Journal "<journal
name>": get_events() returned JERR_JCNTL_AIOCMPLWAIT;
wmgr_status: wmgr: pi=25 pc=8 po=0 aer=1 edac=TFFF

page_state ps=[-------------------------A------]  where A is
aer=1 _aio_evt_rem;          ///< Remaining AIO events

When there is or there are pending AIO, does broker close the
is there any tuning that can be done to resolve this?


On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 8:55 PM rammohan ganapavarapu <> wrote:

I was check the code and i see these lines for that AIO timeout.

                  if (++aio_sleep_cnt > MAX_AIO_SLEEPS)
                      THROW_STORE_EXCEPTION("Timeout waiting for AIO in

And these are the defaults

#define MAX_AIO_SLEEPS 100000 // tot: ~1 sec

#define AIO_SLEEP_TIME_US  10 // 0.01 ms

    RHM_IORES_PAGE_AIOWAIT, ///< IO operation suspended - next page is
waiting for AIO.

So does page got blocked and its waiting for page availability?


On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 8:00 PM rammohan ganapavarapu <> wrote:

Actually we have upgraded from qpid-cpp 0.28 to 1.35 and after that
see this message

2018-10-27 18:58:25 [Store] warning Linear Store: Journal
"<journal-name>": Bad record alignment found at fid=0x4605b
(likely journal overwrite boundary); 19 filler record(s) required.
2018-10-27 18:58:25 [Store] notice Linear Store: Journal
"<journal-name>": Recover phase write: Wrote filler record:
2018-10-27 18:58:25 [Store] notice Linear Store: Journal
"<journal-name>": Recover phase write: Wr... few more Recover phase
It worked fine for a day and started throwing this message:

2018-10-28 12:27:01 [Store] critical Linear Store: Journal "<name>":
get_events() returned JERR_JCNTL_AIOCMPLWAIT; wmgr_status: wmgr:
pi=25 pc=8
po=0 aer=1 edac=TFFF ps=[-------------------------A------]
2018-10-28 12:27:01 [Broker] warning Exchange <name> cannot deliver
queue <queue-name>: Queue <queue-name>: MessageStoreImpl::store()
jexception 0x0202 jcntl::handle_aio_wait() threw
Timeout waiting for AIOs to complete.

2018-10-28 12:27:01 [Broker] error Connection exception:
Queue <queue-name>: MessageStoreImpl::store() failed: jexception
jcntl::handle_aio_wait() threw JERR_JCNTL_AIOCMPLWAIT: Timeout
waiting for
AIOs to complete.

2018-10-28 12:27:01 [Protocol] error Connection
qpid.server-ip:5672-client-ip:44457 closed by error: Queue
MessageStoreImpl::store() failed: jexception 0x0202
jcntl::handle_aio_wait() threw JERR_JCNTL_AIOCMPLWAIT: Timeout
waiting for
AIOs to complete.

2018-10-28 12:27:01 [Protocol] error Connection
qpid.server-ip:5672-client-ip:44457 closed by error:
Value for replyText is too large(320)


On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 3:34 PM rammohan ganapavarapu <> wrote:

No, local disk.

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 3:26 PM Gordon Sim <> wrote:

On 05/11/18 22:58, rammohan ganapavarapu wrote:

We are using java client 0.28 version and qpidd-cpp 1.35 version
(qpid-cpp-server-1.35.0-1.el7.x86_64), i dont know at what
happening but after i restart broker and if we wait for few days
happening again. From the above logs do you have any pointers to

Are you using NFS?

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