On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 15:11, VERMEULEN Olivier <olivier.vermeu...@murex.com>

> Hello,
> I'm using version 7.0.3 of the Broker-J.
> I tried to configure it to use a JDBC (here Sybase) config store.
> qpid-server.bat -st JDBC -prop
> "systemConfig.connectionUrl=jdbc:sybase:Tds:dell719srv:4100/DB" -prop
> "systemConfig.username=USER" -prop
> "systemConfig.password=PWD"
> But I got the following exception:
> [Broker] BRK-1016 : Fatal error : Cannot create provided preference store
> on non PreferenceStoreProvider : See log file for more information
> [Broker] Exception during startup:
> org.apache.qpid.server.util.ServerScopedRuntimeException: Broker failed
> reach ACTIVE state (state is ERRORED)
>         at
> org.apache.qpid.server.model.AbstractSystemConfig$3.onSuccess(AbstractSystemConfig.java:318)
> I debugged a bit and it uses the ProvidedPreferenceStoreFactoryService.
> But it is called with JDBCSystemConfigImpl as parent which does not
> implement PreferenceStoreProvider, thus the crash.
> First, what is exactly the preference store and do I really need it?

It is where per-user preferences for the web console are stored.  The
default is to use JSON - so at some point the configuration must have been
edited to use "provided" instead.

If not how can I configure my broker to use the NOOP one?

The type of preference store to use is defined in the attribute
"preferenceStoreAttributes" in the system config.  The default value is the
JSON object "{\"type\": \"JSON\", \"attributes\":{\"path\":
\"${json:qpid.work_dir}${json:file.separator}preferences.json\"}}".  If you
wanted to change that to the NoOp provider you could use "{\"type\":
\"Noop\", \"attributes\":{}}" I would think.

> Second, why isn't it working with a JDBC config store, did I miss
> something in the configuration?

It's just never been implemented - I'm not sure why, I guess because there
wasn't really seen to be a demand.

> Thanks,
> Olivier
-- Rob

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