Hello All,
    As part of enhancement
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DISPATCH-1374, executing qdsat with
no options would default to qdstat -g (--general).

Prior to this enhancement, running qdstat with no options would look like
this -

[gmurthy@localhost qpid-dispatch]$ qdstat
Usage: qdstat [options]

qdstat: error: You must specify one of these options: -g, -c, -l, -n, -a,
-m, -h, --autolinks, --linkroutes, or --log.

After this enhancement, running qdstat would look like this -

[gmurthy@localhost qpid-dispatch]$ qdstat
Router Statistics
  attr                             value
  Version                          1.9.0-SNAPSHOT
  Mode                             standalone
  Router Id                        Standalone__VkGBH3CTsbo4Un
  Area                             0
  Link Routes                      0
  Auto Links                       0
  Links                            2
  Nodes                            0
  Addresses                        4
  Connections                      1
  Presettled Count                 0
  Dropped Presettled Count         0
  Accepted Count                   2
  Rejected Count                   0
  Released Count                   0
  Modified Count                   0
  Deliveries Delayed > 1sec        0
  Deliveries Delayed > 10sec       0
  Deliveries to Fallback           0
  Ingress Count                    2
  Egress Count                     1
  Transit Count                    0
  Deliveries from Route Container  0
  Deliveries to Route Container    0

Also, as part of this enhancement two new options --all-routers and
--all-entities were introduced.

When we run qdstat --all-routers, it by default runs qdstat --all-routers
--all-entities which will return all entities for every router in the

Should executing qdstat --all-routers instead by default just return qdstat
--all-routers -g (return just the general info for all routers instead of
all information for all routers) ?

Please let me know what you think.


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