On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 5:32 AM Petrenko, Vadim <vadim.petre...@ns.nl>

> Hi Qpid developers,
> We’re considering this possibility:
> Containerize a preconfigured Edge router (possibly together with Artemis)
> and give it to an application team.
> The application team will then deploy this container in their environment
> -> the Edge router will connect to a couple Interior routers in our Core
> network -> the client application will connect to the Edge router in the
> container using standard libraries like Qpid-JMS.
> We expect this to allow easy scaling up of clients. We also want to attach
> a broker to the edge router in case messages need to be buffered (but this
> is client specific and does not belong to the generic core network setup).
> Does this setup look reasonable from a Qpid developer’s point of view?
> Maybe there are some pitfalls to watch out for? Especially exposing
> Interior routers to the world.

This is a good use case, and one that I think is appropriate for edge

If you are going to deploy your interior routers in a public place, I think
you would want strong security (mutual TLS) on those open ports.  Can you
issue certificates to your application teams in the form of secrets so they
can securely connect to your network?

> Thanks!
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