Hello, I am trying on run my C++ application on linux based on QPID AMQP messaging API and connect to TCP endpoint with SSL authentication. At the moment, I am just trying to test the correct usage and do nothing more than establishing the connection. However, I get a runtime error which indicates the exe is looking for some shared object at the QPID AMQP installed directory (PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/lib64/qpid/client). However, I do not see any client sub-folder within the lib64/qpid path. There is only a daemon folder out there. The error I receive is "Caught std::exception Invalid value for module-dir: Input/output error: Can't check directory: PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/lib64/qpid/client"
I have build both QPID Proton C v 0.34 and QPID AMQP Messaging C++ v1.39 packages and point the shared objects build to the install directory. Please note I do not have libibverbs and librdmacm packages which are optional and required for RDMA transport protocol. ( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/qpid-cpp/main/INSTALL.txt ) Sounds like for some reasons, my qpid amqp packages do not build shared objects which are supposed to go under (installfolder)/lib64/qpid/client directory. I only need C++ and hence exclude BINDINGS for PERL,RUBY and PYTHON in my cmake options. In my main application, I use the following connection code so far - #include <qpid/messaging/Connection.h> const char *url = "amqp:tcp:IP:PORT"; qpid::messaging::Connection conn(url); Looking forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Rahul ________________________________ NOTICE: Morgan Stanley is not acting as a municipal advisor and the opinions or views contained herein are not intended to be, and do not constitute, advice within the meaning of Section 975 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. If you have received this communication in error, please destroy all electronic and paper copies and notify the sender immediately. Mistransmission is not intended to waive confidentiality or privilege. Morgan Stanley reserves the right, to the extent required and/or permitted under applicable law, to monitor electronic communications, including telephone calls with Morgan Stanley personnel. This message is subject to the Morgan Stanley General Disclaimers available at the following link: http://www.morganstanley.com/disclaimers. If you cannot access the links, please notify us by reply message and we will send the contents to you. By communicating with Morgan Stanley you acknowledge that you have read, understand and consent, (where applicable), to the foregoing and the Morgan Stanley General Disclaimers. You may have certain rights regarding the information that Morgan Stanley collects about you. Please see our Privacy Pledge https://www.morganstanley.com/privacy-pledge for more information about your rights.