On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 9:50 AM rahul.sin...@morganstanley.com
<rahul.sin...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> The Apache QPID C++ Messaging library states the below rule for url
> /** Simple recursive-descent parser for this grammar:
> url = ["amqp:"][ user ["/" password] "@" ] protocol_addr *("," protocol_addr)
> protocol_addr = tcp_addr / rmda_addr / ssl_addr / .. others plug-in
> tcp_addr = ["tcp:"] host [":" port]
> rdma_addr = "rdma:" host [":" port]
> ssl_addr = "ssl:" host [":" port]
> */
> However, the broker at the other end of our communication channel expects the 
> URL to have the fully qualified domain names for certificate handshake.
> Their expectation is to see url in this pattern - amqps://example.xyz.com, 
> where //example.xyz.com corresponds to the host and port.
> However, when I try to use this pattern, I receive incorrect URL exception.

Not sure what you are seeing. However you can just use host:port
(which is generally what I do as I find it simpler). There should
certainly be no issue with fully qualified hostnames either way

> Secondly, is there a way we can specify the interface through which the host 
> and port connection will go out.

I'm not sure I understand. The hostname will resolve to an ip address
and the normal routing should then determine how to direct the

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