Hi, I am trying to get the Python tornado container working with qpid proton 0.34. My goal is to create a tornado server that can also send and receive amqp messages using a timer tick. With the below example tornado server works fine but I am not able to run both ticks and amqp connection. If the schedule call below is uncommented the amqp connection stops working. I can also comment out create_sender/receive and then timer ticks works.
It seems to me that something is missing in the tornado container, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks from proton import Message from proton.handlers import MessagingHandler from proton_tornado import Container import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web class Client(MessagingHandler): def __init__(self, url): super(Client, self).__init__() self.url = url def on_timer_task(self, event): print('tick') self.container.schedule(1, self) def on_start(self, event): self.container = event.reactor self.sender = event.container.create_sender(self.url) self.receiver = event.container.create_receiver(self.sender.connection) #self.container.schedule(1, self) def on_link_opened(self, event): print(event) class ExampleHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write('hello') loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() client = Client("localhost:5800") client.container = Container(client, loop) client.container.initialise() app = tornado.web.Application([tornado.web.url(r"/hello", ExampleHandler)]) app.listen(8888) loop.start()