So, according to the 0-9-1 definition (, 404 is
supposed to be a channel error - so RabbitMQ is likely more correct than
the Java Broker.  IIRC there were a whole boatload of issues with clients
(particularly the old JMS client) trying to handle channel level
exceptions, so the decision was made to just treat everything as a
connection level exception.  Others may have a more accurate/detailed

-- Rob

On Mon, 12 Jul 2021 at 14:31, Fraser Adams
<> wrote:

> For context I'm working on a project that is primarily using the
> RabbitMQ broker and using the Pika Python client library. As the Qpid
> Java broker supports AMQP 0.9.1 too I figured I'd try to connect to that
> too to see if I could compare relative performance.
> I ran into a couple of issues, the first is that by default the Java
> broker doesn't support PLAIN authentication on insecure transports so I
> needed to mod the config.json to add
> "secureOnlyMechanisms" : [ ],
> to "authenticationproviders"
> I thought/hoped that'd be enough, but unfortunately things kept failing
> with a 504 error complaining about channel :2 not existing
> As it happens, what I'm actually doing during the startup of my
> application is to check if an exchange with the name of the specified
> destination exists.
> The way I do that is to do an exchange_declare with passive=True. Now I
> know that when an exception/error occurs (e.g. a 404 NOT_FOUND) if the
> exchange doesn't exist then the channel is closed by the broker. To
> cater for this I create a temporary channel (in this case it would be
> channel :2) and call the exchange_declare passive=True using that
> channel and I get a pika.exceptions.ChannelClosedByBroker, which is what
> I'd expect.
> So that's how it is with RabbitMQ broker, but with Qpid Java subsequent
> things were failing and I narrowed it down to the connection having been
> closed in addition to the channel.
> I've tried creating an additional temporary *connection* in addition to
> the temporary channel that I was previously creating in order to run the
> passive=True exchange_declare and doing that seems to "work" in terms of
> the rest of the application now seems to carry on correctly.
> So really I'm curious, is the Qpid Java broker closing the connection in
> addition to closing the channel the expected behaviour in this scenario?
> It is certainly different compared with what RabbitMQ does, but I have
> no idea what the "correct" behaviour is in this circumstance.
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