It is being refused while creating the receiver, with the described
reason saying "It is not possible for an entity that requires sessions
to create a non-sessionful message receiver.". I expect this means the
server is looking for some ServiceBus-specific detail to be included
during the receiver creation to 'make it sessionful', likely which of
the 'ServiceBus sessions' the receiver is for, which the client
obviously isnt doing because it doesn't know anything about them. I
dont know what the precise detail it's looking for is (perhaps you can
use their clients to figure it out), but even if knowing it there isnt
really any scope in the JMS client currently to influence what's
likely to be low level consumer link detail so I doubt it would be
usable anyway. The simplest route may just be actually using their
clients to utilize such ServiceBus-specific functionality.

Alternatively, since a lot of their 'sessions' is jsut message
selection, maybe they let you select on them.

On Wed, 28 Jul 2021 at 12:31, A K <> wrote:
> Hi Team,
> We are using qpid-jms-client-0.57.0 to publish and receive messages from 
> Azure ServiceBus. ServiceBus provides a feature to receive messages from 
> session to maintain message order. Please refer here for more details - 
> I am able to publish messages with JMXGroupId but not able to receive 
> messages from session enabled queue.
> Getting error - javax.jms.JMSException: It is not possible for an entity that 
> requires sessions to create a non-sessionful message receiver. 
> TrackingId:***, SystemTracker:mule-intr-sbus-test-standard:Queue:test-order, 
> Timestamp:2021-07-28T11:07:49 TrackingId:**, SystemTracker:gateway7, 
> Timestamp:2021-07-28T11:07:49 [condition = amqp:not-allowed]
> Please find attached
> 1. TestSessionEnable.txt - Sample code
> 2. Failed_To_Receive_Msgs.txt - Error details with proton logs
> 3. Publish_Successfully.txt
> Could you please suggest any way to receive session enabled messages? Please 
> let me know for any queries.
> Regards,
> Abhishek Kumar
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