We are using C++ API - qpid-cpp-1.39.0 and qpid-proton-0.34.0 and seems to have 
an issue handling multiple instances of application (using different 
The broker supplies all messages to our entity in 1 Response Queue and there 
are uniqueAPPId to identify the messages received in Response Queue.

However, at times, only 1 instance seems to get these messages. We suspect it's 
the way we retrieve the messages from the queue. Our current logic is
Using namespace qpid::messaging;
Message msg;
If(Receiver::fetch (msg, Duration(0)))
        //process the message if unqiueAppId is ours

        //Acknowledge the message

Is this the correct way of handling the messages form Response Queue?

  1.  We had a look at description for Receiver::get() and it indicates that 
the message is retrieved from the Receiver's local Queue.
For Receiver::fetch(), the description says "Retrieves the message from 
Receiver's Subscription. Unlike get(), this message will check with the server 
that there is no message for the subscription this
Receiver is serving before returning false. Is the Receiver::fetch method 
popping the message off the Response Queue as opposed to Receiver::get () 

  1.  Whats the purpose of Session::acknowledge(msg) ? Does it pop the message 
off the Response Queue.

We want to only pull the message off the queue which are destined to our 
instance. Otherwise, we don't want to remove them since this might affect other 

Please can you help in throwing some light on how to get this logic right.

Best Regards,

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