Neither the queue name or the type capability (which given you found
the problem, you may not need) should have ' ' in the actual value,
per the various [address string] examples that lack that.

The selector will have ' ' around values that happen to be a string
literal, since that is the syntax for string literals within
selectors, essentially like the JMS selector syntax. It is the server
that does the selection.

The server will provide a copy of every message sent to the topic to
each subscription on the topic (i.e each subscriber if they aren't
shared subs), that is how pub/sub topics work. The client does nothing

On Fri, 1 Apr 2022 at 13:31,
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I managed to get this message selection working. Basically, the queue address 
> need not be enclosed in ' '. So, hopefully the filtering for queue is working 
> now. I will get a chance to test this on Monday with the other instance.
> However, we might still need to solve the problem for topics where messages 
> are broadcast and we would like all subscribers to receive them. In case of 
> broadcasts, we do not receive any uniqueAppID. They are available in specific 
> topic address. Different instances would need these broadcasts. So, we would 
> want qpid to put them in all receivers which subscribed to that topic. Please 
> can you help how this can be achieved or in case of topic, does the qpid by 
> default copies the message in all the subscribed receivers.
> Best Regards,
> Rahul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> Sent: 01 April 2022 11:03
> To:
> Subject: <Unverified Sender>RE: QPID C++ Queue handling
> I tired various combination to pass the information to selector however I 
> keep on getting same error. Please see below code and Protocol traces in case 
> there is something you can quickly spot.
> Code -
> Map selector;
> std::string uniqueAppIdSelector = "\"uniqueAppID\"='" + _appId + "'"; 
> selector["selector"] = uniqueAppIdSelector; Map options; options["link"] = 
> selector; Address address(resp_queue, "", options, "'queue'"); //Address 
> address(resp_queue, "", options, "'queue'"); //Address address(resp_queue, 
> "", options); _receiver = _session.createReceiver(address);
> In the PROTOCCOL TRACE, I see - filter={:selector=@77567109365764 
> ""uniqueAppID"= 'XXXXX_UNIQUE_APP_ID'"}, capabilities=:"'queue'"]. I tried 
> other combinations like
> Where I pass queue as "queue" without ' '. //Address address(resp_queue, "", 
> options, "queue"); PROTOCOL TRACE -
> filter={:selector=@77567109365764 ""uniqueAppID"= 'XXXXX_UNIQUE_APP_ID'"}, 
> capabilities=:queue]
> OR without passing type argument to address. //Address address(resp_queue, 
> "", options);
> filter={:selector=@77567109365764 ""uniqueAppID"='XXXXX_UNIQUE_APP_ID'"}]
> [Protocol] trace [XXXXX_UNIQUE_APP_ID]: FRAME: 0 -> @attach(18) 
> [name="'XXXXX.ResQueue_L'_c2928ec1-0937-4f84-a61f-90712c837f1a", handle=1, 
> role=true, snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40) 
> [address="'XXXXX.ResQueue_L'", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false, 
> filter={:selector=@77567109365764 ""uniqueAppID"= 'XXXXX_UNIQUE_APP_ID'"}, 
> capabilities=:"'queue'"], target=@target(41) [address="'XXXXX.ResQueue_L'", 
> durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0, 
> max-message-size=0]
> 2022-04-01 10:18:16 [Protocol] trace [XXXXX_UNIQUE_APP_ID]: FRAME: 0 <- 
> @detach(22) [handle=1, closed=true, error=@error(29) 
> [condition=:"amqp:unauthorized-access", description="AMQ119015: not 
> authorized to create consumer, AMQ229032: User: XXXXX_USER does not have 
> permission='CREATE_ADDRESS' on address 'XXXXX.ResQueue_L'"]]
> Best Regards,
> Rahul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robbie Gemmell <>
> Sent: 31 March 2022 16:33
> To: users <>
> Subject: Re: QPID C++ Queue handling
>  Its hard to say much without knowing exactly what you did, the linked thread 
> has a few different things in it.
> The error suggests you are using Artemis and it is trying (and failing due to 
> permissions) to create an Address, which I wouldnt really expect if you are 
> consuming from an already known response queue, one that I would assume 
> already existed.
> You might need to ensure the broker actually treats the things as being an 
> 'anycast' queue and treats the consumer as a regular queue consumer, as I 
> know Artemis typically defaults to treating things as 'multicast' for more 
> topic-like behaviour, which might be a problematic if you have different 
> consumers with different selectors.
> You can do that either by ensuring the address+queue definition is anycat, or 
> changing the broker side address settings [1][2] so anything auto-created is 
> considered 'anycast', or you could alternatively add a 'queue' type hint into 
> the consumer by setting the type option into the consumer address string when 
> creating the receiver (from other threads I think "my-queue; { node:{ type: 
> queue }}" is the format of that).
> [1] 
> [2] 
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2022 at 13:47, 
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Many thanks Gordon. I tried using the selector while creating the
> > Receiver for response queue (as per the example given
> >
> > However, I get below exception -
> > std::exception Link detached by peer with amqp:unauthorized-access: 
> > AMQ119015: not authorized to create consumer, AMQ229032: User: FOOBAR does 
> > not have permission='CREATE_ADDRESS' on address 'XXXXX.ResQueue_L'
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Rahul
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Gordon Sim <>
> > Sent: 31 March 2022 12:06
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: QPID C++ Queue handling
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 11:30 AM 
> > <> wrote:
> > > 2) For the longer term/better solution, I will start looking into 
> > > selector. Is this within qpid C++ or proton layer. Any quick pointer will 
> > > be highly appreciated.
> >
> > For proton C++:
> >
> > recv.cpp
> >
> > For example with the old qpid::messaging API see e.g.
> >
> >
> >
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