On 4/22/22 13:19, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
Hi folks,

I have put together a spin for a 2.0.0 Qpid JMS client release, please
give it a test out and vote accordingly.

The source and binary archives can be grabbed from:

The maven artifacts are also staged for now at:

The JIRAs assigned are:

The notable change from the 1.x releases (which will continue) is that
it implements the new "jakarta.jms" packaged spec from
jakarta.jms:jakarta.jms-api:3.0.0 rather than the older "javax.jms"
packaged spec from previous releases. Otherwise its basically the


P.S. If you want to test it out using maven (e.g with the examples
src, or your own things), you can temporarily add this to your poms to
access the staging repo:


The dependency for the client itself would then be:


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* Verified license and notice files in archives
* Checked source using 'mvn apache-rat:check'
* Built from source and ran the test suite
* Ran the Hello World example against ActiveMQ 5 and ActiveMQ Artemis

Tim Bish

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