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Hi Thom,

On 20-12-11 23:39, Thom Chiovoloni wrote:
> Hello Racket users!
> As some of you might know, last weekend was Ludum 
> Dare<http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/>, a game development
> competition where the members attempt to write a game in either 48
> or 72 hours (depending on the competition they are entering).
> I entered the 72 hour competition, and wrote my entry in Racket.  I
> chose Racket for this because while it's not one of the traditional
> game development languages, it is a powerful language with a
> full-featured and robust gui toolkit, and also because development
> time of Racket code is very low (assuming I already know the
> contents of the documentation).
> Enough about that!
> The game is named W, and is a puzzle/adventure type game.  It is
> quite short as of right now (only 5 rooms, a symptom of the design,
> code, art, and sound effects being created in 72 hours), but with
> any luck I will continue updating it this winter.
> You can find the game and source on its entry page 
> here<http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-22/?action=preview&uid=7728>
> screenshots), or on its GitHub page here
> <https://github.com/thomcc/W>. (note that those two links do not
> point to identical versions of the game, the GitHub page is still
> in active development, the submitted version is available as the
> ldjam branch).
> Anyway, I just thought some of you might think this was cool, so I
> hope you take a look!

I did, nice work! I'll have to study the source later to see how you
did it.

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