Three hours ago, Patrick King wrote:
> I'm not particularly surprised, other than what appeared to be
> "Private" in Windows really IS "Private" in Linux. It really was a
> simple cut & paste of the whole directory tree, and the use of case
> higher up the tree doesn't seem to cause any problem.

Windows is "case preserving" which means that it does keep the proper
names, but file access is insensitive.  This means that it's really
best to treat files as case sensitive and uses the proper names in
code too, otherwise you risk code breaking when you switch to a case
sensitive system...

(And BTW, this exact same issue comes up with certain languages that
try to hold onto case-insensitivity.)

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                             Maze is Life!
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