Ok, I'm waiting for Racket to rebuild with --enable-backtrace.

In the meantime, I added a call to dump-memory-stats in the
connection-handling loop, and I'm seeing something that looks weird to
me.  What does it mean something if the number of installed finalizers
keeps going up?

Here's an example of two pairs of dumps I'm seeing toward the middle
of the torture test:


There a small delta between the two that looks promising:

slab:~ dyoo$ diff -u dump1.txt dump2.txt
--- dump1.txt 2013-04-20 18:55:43.000000000 -0600
+++ dump2.txt 2013-04-20 18:55:50.000000000 -0600
@@ -115,24 +115,25 @@
            unknown,248:       1031      65984
            unknown,249:        366      46848
            unknown,251:        226       9040
-           unknown,252:       5443   44676144
+           unknown,252:       5445   44692560
            unknown,255:       1218      68208
 End Racket3m
-Generation 0: 18162112 of 33554432 bytes used
+Generation 0: 18318760 of 33554432 bytes used
 Generation 1 [tagged]: 44475456 bytes used in 2740 pages
 Generation 1 [atomic]: 25814264 bytes used in 1783 pages
 Generation 1 [array]: 8980320 bytes used in 563 pages
 Generation 1 [tagged array]: 0 bytes used in 0 pages
 Generation 1 [pair]: 5700224 bytes used in 350 pages
 Generation 1 [big]: 5272752 bytes used in 129 pages
-Generation 1 [medium]: 36 [1/144] 1692996 [938/2064] 5584518 [5443/8208]
+Generation 1 [medium]: 36 [1/144] 1693512 [938/2064] 5586570 [5445/8208]

-Current memory use: 164201336
+Current memory use: 164357984
 Peak memory use after a collection: 146039224
-Allocated (+reserved) page sizes: 233848832 (+28524544)
+Allocated (+reserved) page sizes: 233881600 (+28491776)
 # of major collections: 4
 # of minor collections: 35
-# of installed finalizers: 8206
+# of installed finalizers: 8207
 # of traced ephemerons: 3
 # of immobile boxes: 0
 End Dump

I'll redo this with --enable-backtrace and report back what I see.
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