> >
> >
> > Given that, here is an example implementation of code that defines a
> > function to map between the codes and their names:
> >
> >    https://gist.github.com/dyoo/5586470
> >
> > This implementation may be trying to be a little too clever: it does
> > the work of parsing the UnicodeData.txt file at compile time in an
> > effort to cache the result to bytecode.  If you use 'raco make' on
> > this module,
> >
> >    http://docs.racket-lang.org/raco/make.html
> Danny, if you're feeling really generous, perhaps it would be worth your
> time to formulate this as a pull request on
> https://pkg.racket-lang.org/info/unicode-properties
Ok, I'll look into this in a few days.  I'm in the midst of moving, so I'm
very distracted right now.  ;)
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