11 hours ago, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> + TOC bar goes away on narrow windows, yielding a one-column layout

+18000 for that!

Otherwise, I have some comments that were already said, but one weird
thing that I noticed is that zooming has some strange behaviors.  For
example, when I from chrome's minimum (25%) to its maximum (500%) this
is what I see:

* 25% -> 33%: the text size doesn't change, but the margins become

* 100% -> 110%: again, the text size doesn't change, only a tiny bit

* 110% -> 125%: yet again, but now it's just a few pixels wider

* 125% -> 150%: the TOC goes away (not weird, but I like it so much
  it's worth a mention...)

* 150% -> 175%: no change at all??

* 175% -> 200%: the text becomes a little smaller!

* 300% -> 400%: the navigation links on the top don't have enough
  space, and go over each other and over the search box in a weird

I can vaguely see the reasons of some of these weirdnesses: it happens
once when the text is just about to become too wide if it was zoomed,
and instead the width grows, and that happens once with the normal
layout and again with the no-toc layout.

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
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