On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Joe Gibbs Politz <j...@cs.brown.edu> wrote:
> I was getting some odd behavior on authors whose names ended in "and"
> when compiling a bibliography, and dug into the source a bit.  A
> little armchair debugging: should this line
> https://github.com/plt/racket/blob/88d8a2a9f86b15b3c65cdc232ec05cc6a0f5d6bd/pkgs/scribble-pkgs/scribble-lib/scriblib/bibtex.rkt#L219
> have the regex
> #rx"* and *"
> instead of
> #rx" *and *"

Probably it should be #rx" +and *" (ie, at least one space followed by
"and" instead any number of spaces, possibly zero, followed by "and").

> Right now, for an author list like
> "Edward L. Deci and Robert J. Vallerand and Luc G. Pelletier and
> Richard M. Ryan"
> I get output like
> "Edward L. Deci, Robert J. Valler, , Luc G. Pelletier, and Richard M. Ryan"
> If this is in fact the problem, any ideas for a good hack to work
> around this in the bib format for now without building from
> bleeding-edge Racket?

You can just edit the file in your copy of racket and then run 'raco setup'.

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