Has anyone using Quack with Emacs 24 found what the fix is for the problem that most of the usual syntax coloring doesn't happen? (The parentheses aren't red, for example.)

When this problem occurs, there will be the following message in the "*Messages*" buffer:

    Quack Warning: `font-lock-keywords' already set when hook ran.

I'm still using Emacs 23 (what's in Debian Stable), but I received a bug report about Emacs 24 from a user. I don't immediately have time to track down what changed with font-lock or themes (the naive fix I tried didn't work), and I don't see a fix in Google. I was hoping that Emacs wouldn't break Quack until I finished Meow. :) If someone has a simple fix, I can add it to the official Quack release, however.

Neil V.

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