Hmm, that surprises me; I'll take a look.

On Oct 17, 2014 8:25 AM, "Konrad Hinsen" <> wrote:

> Sam Tobin-Hochstadt writes:
>  > You should keep the original require and provide, and add the new
> inserted require as an
>  > extra. Does that work?
> That's easy to check:
> -- test-lang/main.rkt ----------------------------
> #lang typed-racket/minimal
> (require typed/racket
>          test-lang/more
>          (only-in typed/racket
>                   [#%module-begin tr:module-begin]
>                   [require tr:require]))
> (provide (except-out (all-from-out typed/racket) #%module-begin)
>          (rename-out [module-begin #%module-begin])
>          (all-from-out test-lang/more))
> (define-syntax module-begin
>   (syntax-rules (require)
>     [(_ decl ...)
>      (tr:module-begin
>       (require test-lang/more)
>       decl ...)]))
> --------------------------------------------------
> But now I am back to my original error message:
>   ; test-lang/more.rkt:4:9: Type Checker: missing type for identifier;
>   ;  consider using `require/typed' to import it
>   ;   identifier: bar
>   ;   from module: test-lang/more
>   ;   in: bar
> My new friend, the Macro Stepper, now says about 'bar':
>   Apparent identifier binding
>   in phase 0:
>     defined in: test-lang/more
>       as: bar.4
>     imported from: test-lang/main
> Konrad.
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