Dear RIOT OS community,

I'm Daniel a PhD in Hydrology at GFZ Potsdam and currently working on a
data logger system for use in extensive field campaigns. As far as I
have understood, RIOT OS seems to be very suitable for the tasks I have
in mind. Since I am new to using an OS on microcontrollers (rather than
running simple single-thread applications), I would very much like to
discuss with a RIOT expert (or several) what is possible and what is an
illusion of my perception. Here are some points to give you a bit of an
idea what I mean:

 * Adding pre-compiled sensor driver packages to a running application
   Let's say we have 20 stations running but with varying numbers and
   types of sensors (e.g. sensors monitoring trees only in forests,
   discharge sensors only at rivers, etc.). Is it possible to have a
   common application running on all stations and adding/removing
   pre-compiled sensor driver packages to change sensor setup? It would
   allow easier on-site maintenance, where fast adding/removing sensors
   would not lead to changing source code and compiling a new
   application for one particular station (maintenance of course always
   happens in winter, at night, with strong winds, heavy rain, in a
   remote forest, hard to work on source code :) ).
 * Having a web interface running, accessible via Ethernet or BLE (for
   on-site maintenance) and remote (e.g. via LTE CAT M1/NB1 for
   administration) to allow configuring sensor setup (number and type)
   as well as general configuration (measurement interval, time of data
   upload, etc.)
   A simple graphical web interface would ease the maintenance for the
   technician as he would "only" need to change configurations rather
   than changing source code and compiling (see point above). Since I
   am working currently with OpenMediaVault, I really appreciate their
   web interface concept, with the possibility to revert all currently
   made changes.
 * All these configurations would need to be stored locally, I imagine
   as JSON on an EEPROM with some kind of file system. Is this how it
   is done in general?
 * All configurations should also be synced with the remote server
   (e.g. running ODM2)

I hope these points make some sense even if the answer is: No, what you
want is not possible. And if not, I am happy to learn more. As mentioned
before, I would appreciate a discussion about this use case and the
potential use of RIOT OS with experienced people who find it
interesting. In case spamming the user list is not desired you can of
course contact me via my email address

Enjoy your weekend and stay safe

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