Hi Apache RocketMQ Community The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache RocketMQ has invited Zhouxiang Zhan (apache id : drpmma) to become PMC Member and we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.
Along the way of building and flourishing Apache RocketMQ community, he has contributed a lot of challenging yet significant features, keeping Apache RocketMQ valuable among new technology trends. Zhouxiang Zhan is very active in the community and have devoted himself to the Apache RocketMQ and community affairs over the past few years. Along the way of building and flourishing Apache RocketMQ community, he has contributed a lot of challenging yet significant features, keeping Apache RocketMQ valuable among new technology trends. Zhouxiang Zhan[1] joined the rocketmq community in 2021 and has made many important contributions[2][3]. Zhouxiang Zhan was a major contributor to RocketMQ 5.0 and led the development of the gRPC server [4][5], one of the core features added to RocketMQ 5.0. The gRPC server provides the RocketMQ stateless consumption model and is the foundation for the lightweight multilingual SDK to be implemented in 5.0. Besides, Zhouxiang Zhan followed the Apache Way, actively participating in the RocketMQ community and engaging more developers to build RocketMQ together[6]. [1] https://github.com/drpmma [2] https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/issues?q=author%3Adrpmma [3] https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/pulls?q=author%3Adrpmma [4] https://shimo.im/docs/gXqmeEPYgdUw5bqo [5] https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/pull/4225 [6] https://lists.apache.org/list?d...@rocketmq.apache.org:lte=24M:drpmma Best Regards, Apache RocketMQ Team